010: Filtering Your Scroll Game
00:06 Millie: Hey everyone, it's Millie.
00:08 Gabi: It's Gabi.
00:08 Millie: And we're back for another week of Change by Degrees. Let's just talk a little bit about how our week's going 'cause I just got out of an exam. It went... I'm not dead, you know.
00:18 Gabi: You finished it.
00:19 Millie: I finished it.
00:19 Gabi: You turned it in.
00:21 Millie: It was a Music History one. It's one of those that the professor just tests from lecture and it's like if you review the notes...
00:27 Gabi: So if you have have the notes, you're good.
00:28 Millie: If you weren't in class and you don't have notes, you're screwed. And if you do have notes...
00:31 Gabi: But does he upload the slides onto Scholar? What do you guys use?
00:34 Millie: There's no such a thing as slides.
00:37 Gabi: Oh. Oh, he just lectures just off the fly. He doesn't have...
00:40 Millie: There's no black board, it's like in oblivion. It's just what he says. That's how it is.
00:46 Gabi: I mean, then you have to go to class. He's one of those professors who's like, "I'm tricking you until you have to show up."
00:51 Millie: And it works.
00:52 Gabi: There you go.
00:53 Millie: We have one exam done and I feel okay about it. It may not be like 100, but...
00:57 Gabi: That means you're halfway through or almost halfway through.
01:00 Millie: True. Yeah, 'cause this one is like, test one, test two, and then the final, so it's like a thirds. We are almost there, we are counting together. But I'm super excited for this week's episode. It's filtering your scroll game and all about social media.
01:12 Gabi: Which is super relevant for anyone. It doesn't even have to be college or young adults.
01:15 Millie: I mean we are on a social media platform.
01:17 Gabi: Yeah, that's kind of ironic isn't it? "You should be filtering your scroll game. Also, did you see what the five things we posted... " Yeah, that's kind of ironic.
01:23 Millie: It's okay, though.
01:23 Gabi: It's fine, but that's relevant for adults or people in college, or really, anyone now 'cause there's little kids walking around with iPads and I'm like, "Wow."
01:30 Millie: That's so true. Three years old and they're like, "We can't even speak but we're gonna be watching stuff."
01:35 Gabi: Yeah, but they know how to open apps and stuff.
01:37 Millie: Interact with it and sometimes... And then a 20-year-old walks in there like, "How do you do that? [chuckle]
01:40 Gabi: Yeah.
01:41 Millie: So true.
01:42 Gabi: Yeah.
01:43 Millie: It's a crazy world we live in.
01:43 Gabi: It is.
01:44 Millie: But to open this discussion, we're gonna just ask a question, like social media, is it a tool, or is it a tyrant? I came up with that.
01:50 Gabi: I love that. I love that. She did come up with it. I didn't come up with it.
01:54 Gabi: But I don't know. I think it depends because social media is such a cool tool to use. Obviously, we get to interact with people because of social media, and we get to have a podcast because of social media.
02:08 Millie: Yeah.
02:09 Gabi: And I think it depends on just your level of discipline, knowing when to stop scrolling for a day or forever, for how long or whatever.
02:18 Millie: That's true.
02:19 Gabi: And then, that's the difference. I think that's what makes a difference between being a bad tool, or a good tool is that when you know personally for yourself when it's time for you to stop.
02:29 Millie: And I think, I 100% agree with that and for me, I think it's how you view it and how you use it in your day-to-day life because for some people, 10 minutes is more than enough. They've had their limit and some people can be there three hours and it's still healthy for them. I think there's a cap for everyone where you should be off it, but I think it really depends. Some people even with 10 minutes, they use it to either compare themselves to other people or bring themselves down and I'm like, "If that's how you're utilizing social media, or how it's affecting you, then obviously, you should limit it more."
03:06 Gabi: Yeah.
03:07 Millie: But I think it's definitely a person-to-person thing.
03:11 Gabi: But yeah, it could be destructive in one minute.
03:14 Millie: It can.
03:14 Gabi: You could literally limit yourself...
03:15 Millie: See the wrong post and be like...
03:15 Gabi: To five minutes and it could be just as destructive as someone who spends three hours a day on it.
03:20 Millie: That's true.
03:21 Gabi: But I mean, I limited myself to Facebook because...
03:24 Millie: Oh that's true, you did.
03:26 Gabi: My Facebook, I think I set up on my phone to limit and I think I'm on 10 minutes for Facebook, 10 minutes a day and then it cuts me off. And it says like, "You're at your limit," 'cause that's a...
03:35 Millie: That's amazing.
03:36 Gabi: Facebook to me, I...
03:37 Millie: You can't handle it.
03:38 Gabi: I can't handle it, the content on Facebook.
03:39 Millie: The thing is I started... I think we're gonna go into this on our experience with social media and like, "I suck."
03:47 Gabi: That's very true, you do.
03:47 Millie: I don't use it. Thank you, thank you.
03:50 Gabi: You've gotten better. No, you've gotten better.
03:50 Millie: I have, and I would say I don't use Twitter, and she loves Twitter.
03:54 Gabi: Yeah. I don't use it very well, though.
03:56 Millie: I haven't got into it.
03:57 Gabi: I don't use it very well. I retweet a lot of stuff.
04:00 Millie: It's funny.
04:00 Gabi: It's... I send you funny stuff though.
04:01 Millie: She does. Twitter, there's a special crowd in Twitter...
04:05 Millie: And I am not in it yet. I love Instagram. I started on Facebook, I was a 14-year-old and everyone was having Facebook so then I had to open my own account and post some random photo of me.
04:13 Gabi: Of course, you have to be involved.
04:13 Millie: It was actually a photo of my cat.
04:15 Gabi: You didn't have MySpace?
04:16 Millie: I didn't. I didn't.
04:17 Gabi: Okay.
04:18 Millie: So my social media journey started with a photo of my cat on my Facebook profile and me being like, "Ahhhh."
04:23 Gabi: And that's all she wrote, that's...
04:24 Millie: And that's all she wrote. And that was on my profile for eight months and I was like, "Maybe I should post something else."
04:29 Gabi: Maybe I should post something other than a picture of my cat.
04:31 Millie: Of my cat, and...
04:32 Gabi: Did you have a picture of yourself?
04:34 Millie: I did. I did.
04:35 Gabi: So, it was you and then your cat?
04:37 Millie: Mm-hmm, and that was it. It was a great time in my life. [chuckle]
04:41 Gabi: There was a lot going on. There was a lot happening. Everyone was super interested in how your cat...
04:45 Millie: Busy, busy. 16-year-old me was wild.
04:46 Gabi: How is your cat? Your cat's doing good. Good.
04:47 Millie: From the... Raccoon story, from last episode. That was wild. Gabi dragged me afterward, she's kind of like, "What where you even talking about?"
04:51 Gabi: Oh my gosh. I love that. I think it was fantastic.
04:56 Millie: And I'm like, "It was an important story."
04:57 Gabi: Why didn't you put that on social media? You didn't documented that.
05:00 Millie: I didn't. I didn't. You didn't put your deer story.
05:02 Gabi: The deer story doesn't need to be anywhere except in our minds.
05:07 Millie: She had a deer attacking her. Like...
[overlapping conversation]
05:08 Gabi: Oh my gosh. I thought the deer was going to attack me. The deer was right next to my car. I should have...
05:12 Millie: That was crazy. Did you see the eyes?
05:13 Gabi: I was going to say, I almost documented it on social media but I kinda did 'cause I snapped you. I sent a Snapchat of the deer to Millie.
05:19 Millie: And I saw it and I was like, "Ooh see. I might have raccoon, but you have whole deers outside your car."
05:23 Gabi: I was trying to get out of my car and there was a deer outside and I couldn't get out. So finally, I got out, and I was like, "Okay. Dude, respect me, and I respect you."
05:32 Millie: He was still there?
05:33 Gabi: Yeah, he was... Well, I had to get out of my car at some point.
05:35 Millie: Oh my gosh.
05:36 Gabi: I couldn't just sit in my car all night, it was like 10:00 PM, and so...
05:38 Millie: That's wild.
05:39 Gabi: I got out and he just looked at me and I could see his eyes glowing.
05:42 Millie: He was chilling.
05:43 Gabi: He was chilling. He was eating and I was like, "Okay, bye." And I sprinted into my garage.
05:47 Millie: And you have foxes too.
05:48 Gabi: I do.
05:48 Millie: So you know what, you have more wild life than I do, so I need to calm down. My raccoon story is worth it.
05:53 Gabi: But we back up to woods. So anyway, we should have documented all that. I'm sure that's content people...
06:00 Millie: It'll be a series. The wildlife series.
06:01 Gabi: The wild life... The wild life of Gabi and Millie.
06:05 Millie: I would watch it.
06:05 Gabi: I would, well...
06:06 Millie: And no one else would.
06:06 Gabi: That's what I was gonna say, it would have two views every episode, it would be me and you.
06:10 Millie: It's too funny. But with the wildlife stories on my social media, I think I don't use it very actively. People would say I'm the... What would you call me? Like a lurker? I just...
06:19 Gabi: Yeah, you're a lurker.
06:20 Millie: I pop in and I see people's stuff, and I never post myself. It's a random occasion.
06:24 Gabi: Yeah, so you just... You see everyone else's stuff and you're always on but you never comment, post, like.
06:28 Millie: Which is true. People probably see I'm live, or the green dot...
06:30 Gabi: Yes.
06:31 Millie: Next to your name or whatever...
06:32 Gabi: Yeah.
06:32 Millie: And I'm like... I never post anything.
06:33 Gabi: Well, you're active on our Instagram, but for your personal one...
06:36 Millie: Which is really funny. I hate posting my... Well, I don't hate it, but I just don't. But on our own social media, I love dropping like, "Hey, that's a great picture."
06:44 Gabi: Yeah.
06:44 Millie: People I don't even know. And I'm like, "This is so cool!"
06:46 Gabi: Yeah. But you'll...
06:47 Millie: But it's under the "us", not "me".
06:50 Gabi: Not even, though, because you'll DM me from our account to my personal account. You'll send me memes.
06:56 Millie: A funny meme.
06:56 Gabi: And I'm like, "Why don't you just use your own personal account? Why are you sending me memes from our podcast account?" [chuckle]
07:00 Millie: 'Cause I'm never on my own account. I'm never on my account.
07:02 Gabi: Which is fine, but it'll be like, "Change By Degrees DMed me." And I'm looking, and it's just memes that you're sending me. And I'm like, "Well, obviously, it's not me. It has to be you." That's just so funny to me. But you never use your personal account, ever.
07:12 Millie: No. I mean rarely. I like... I love Instagram. After Facebook, I don't use Facebook as much anymore either.
07:17 Gabi: No one uses Facebook.
07:17 Millie: We're sorry, guys. You can see Insta story content on Instagram...
07:21 Gabi: Half the time I forget to post...
07:22 Millie: But our Facebook is like...
07:23 Gabi: Whatever we put on Instagram onto Facebook.
07:24 Millie: We're getting better at it, though. We need reminders.
07:26 Gabi: Yeah. 'Cause no one even... There's like two people that like it.
07:29 Millie: People... Some people like it. The parents...
07:31 Gabi: The parents love it.
07:32 Millie: The parents like it. My mom loves it.
07:34 Gabi: She does.
07:34 Millie: And your mom loves it too.
07:35 Gabi: Yeah.
07:35 Millie: So you can't even... You can't...
07:36 Gabi: Yeah, but my mom's... But that's the thing. They're also on Instagram.
07:39 Millie: Which is true.
07:40 Gabi: So...
07:40 Millie: My mom loves all the little preachers she follows.
07:43 Gabi: Oh, yeah.
07:43 Millie: And Magnolia. What's her name? She had... They had like home...
07:47 Gabi: Joanna Gaines.
07:48 Millie: Yeah. Yeah, she loves that. And I'm like, "Okay, mom. Yes, yes, good for you." But that's my social media usage. It's mostly Instagram. I think it's a great platform, and it's just different. I used to hate the squares.
08:00 Gabi: Oh, really?
08:01 Millie: And that I couldn't zoom in. 'Cause on Facebook, you can click and...
08:03 Gabi: You can zoom in on Instagram.
08:05 Millie: Zoom in. I mean you can, but not click it and then...
08:06 Gabi: Oh, but you can't expand it and then... Yeah, yeah, yeah.
08:07 Millie: Right. So I used to really hate it. And then usually...
08:10 Gabi: What are you trying to zoom in on so close?
08:12 Millie: Well, all the things. Like if there's something in the landscape, and I'm like, "What's that? Oh, that's what it is."
08:16 Gabi: Yeah, I suppose.
08:17 Millie: But that's mine, and she's the Twitter person.
08:19 Gabi: I don't... But the thing I don't really do... I mean, I... Occasionally, I'll tweet. Like very occasionally, if I have something su... It's never anything important. The last tweet I think I actually made was... Actually, I don't remember what it was about, but I remember it was stupid and as I was tweeting it, I was like, "This isn't necessary." But I tweeted it anyway. I just re-tweet a lot of stuff.
08:34 Millie: Which is, I think, the majority of people.
08:36 Gabi: Yeah, 'cause it's just funny stuff. It's just funny. And I could scroll for the rest of my life on Twitter.
08:41 Millie: Kinda weird crowd. You really could. You really could. That's me on Instagram.
08:44 Gabi: That's what I'm saying, yeah.
08:45 Millie: Even me... 'Cause I don't think I use it obsessively, but recently, I'm like, "Ah!"
08:48 Gabi: With the suggested posts, since they're so tailored to what you would enjoy...
08:53 Millie: It's creepy. I said that to my cousin two years ago.
08:56 Gabi: Yeah.
08:56 Millie: And it's popping up now.
08:56 Gabi: And it's popping up. Yup.
08:57 Millie: I'm like, "Mmmm... "
[overlapping conversation]
08:58 Gabi: So because it's so tailored to you, I could scroll for hours on Instagram through suggested posts. And I find all of it interesting because it's tailored to me. That's where they get you. That's where I spend my time. It's not even scrolling through my actual feed, it's just going through suggested posts that just takes...
09:11 Millie: Suggested posts. It's so good.
09:12 Gabi: You know.
09:13 Millie: That's actually a really good, really good thing. 'Cause we... In preparing for this episode, we watched a TED Talk. I'm gonna get this name wrong.
09:20 Gabi: Okay, try it.
09:21 Millie: Manoush Zomorodi.
09:24 Gabi: Yeah, I think that's how you pronounce it.
09:25 Millie: I'll give you the title: It's "How boredom can lead to your most brilliant ideas".
09:29 Gabi: Yeah.
09:30 Millie: And it was pretty short. Gabi was half-watching.
09:33 Gabi: I was watching it.
09:34 Millie: I was diligently taking notes.
09:34 Gabi: Now that... I'm thinking back and I'm remembering things...
09:37 Millie: All the stuff. And...
09:38 Gabi: That she was saying.
09:38 Millie: So my summary of this was... I'm still getting over a cold. I'm sorry, guys. [chuckle]
09:42 Gabi: Nice.
09:43 Millie: But you gotta get the podcast episode in. And this TED Talk was really good because her whole presentation was how, number one, social media is like a business with suggested posts. They spend hours and a whole team to just see how to get your attention.
10:00 Gabi: Yeah.
10:00 Millie: They want you to spend all your time on their platform.
10:02 Gabi: Yeah.
10:02 Millie: That's how they make money. And I mean, people don't realize it. People think it's a... Not like... I don't know how, that it's not for money, but it is. So...
10:12 Gabi: Yeah. It's all this... It's a big... I don't know if I would call it an industry, but it is a...
10:15 Millie: I would say so.
10:16 Gabi: Big type of industry now. And considering people get paid, whether it be for YouTube, people get paid to be on Instagram like that's their job.
10:25 Millie: Which is true. Influencers...
10:26 Gabi: Yeah, that's their job, is to post on Instagram and...
10:29 Millie: Where you can make money.
10:30 Gabi: Create content, and you make money. And these people are really, really rich too. I mean, in all appearances, it looks like they're rich. I'm sure a lot of them are filing for bankruptcy, but you know. They look super, super rich.
10:41 Millie: Rich.
10:41 Gabi: And it's like a huge industry now, so I would be... I would call it...
10:45 Millie: Which... And that's mind-blowing. And so she brought that up to the table, and also the fact that now we're so used to phones. We were talking about kids who are two, three years old, who have their iPads next to them, and they're on these devices all day on social media, that we don't know how to be bored. Let's be honest.
11:05 Gabi: Yeah.
11:05 Millie: If you're in an elevator, if you're waiting, like before I enter my classroom, if I'm there five minutes early, I'm on my phone.
11:11 Gabi: Yeah.
11:11 Millie: And it's just like we don't know how to be bored. That's how we address boredom. And she was like, "There is a little magic to being bored, that we have our most creative ideas. And we don't allow ourselves the time or space 'cause every 45 seconds, those cracks of time are all taken up.
11:28 Gabi: Yeah.
11:28 Millie: And our brain is never off, number one.
11:30 Gabi: Yeah.
11:30 Millie: And number two, your brain is constantly switching. If I'm working on a paper and it... Or a journal. I hate these journals, dude. She knows.
11:38 Gabi: But you have to do them.
11:39 Millie: And this should take me 30 minutes tops, but you're on the side looking at something.
11:45 Gabi: Yeah.
11:46 Millie: And you're so distracted at every two seconds, and then it takes you two hours because your brain... It takes up... And I forget, she mentioned a scientific...
11:53 Gabi: She had all these really good stats and stuff like that.
11:56 Millie: I forget what chemical it was, but for your brain to switch from one topic to the other, it releases whatever chemical and you use that up.
12:04 Gabi: Yeah
12:04 Millie: And so by the end of one assignment, you've used it all up.
12:07 Gabi: Yeah.
12:07 Millie: You have no focus whatsoever.
12:09 Gabi: Yeah.
12:10 Millie: And I think we've just conditioned ourselves to feel the need to constantly be entertained and less creative. So I was like, "Well, that's something... That's something I should be paying attention to," because...
12:21 Gabi: Yeah.
12:22 Millie: I don't want something that I think is helping my job but at the same time hurting me. So...
12:26 Gabi: Yeah. Well, that's... I mean it's hard too, because so much of... Whether you're in school or work or both, so much of the job or homework depends on being on the computer all day every day, and sometimes it does involve scrolling social media and finding things or whatever. And if that's also the same way that you relax, then that's double the time that you're scrolling...
12:47 Millie: It's true.
12:48 Gabi: Or on the computer or on the internet, doing whatever. And so, because that's also... It's how we work, and it's also how we relax. Like it's how we communicate with people, but it's also how...
12:57 Millie: It's true. It encompasses so much of your life...
13:00 Gabi: Yeah. Then it's like... Saying the woman talking about... You're not giving yourself space to be bored, it's like, "Well yeah, because how I relax is being on my phone."
13:08 Millie: Mm-hmm. Everything is tied into it.
13:09 Gabi: So it's kind of like putting your phone down and, now what? But I think that's what she's saying is that space of putting your phone down, turning the computer off, turning the TV off, is how you find more creativity, how you're like... I don't wanna say renewed, or something, that sounds like super like...
13:25 Millie: No, but it's refreshing.
13:25 Gabi: Yeah, refreshed. Like how you're refreshed or how you gain new ideas or how you just feel a little bit better. Not so bogged down, because I know I do. I feel, by the end of the day, if I'm scrolling through Instagram or Twitter, or whatever it is, I'm scrolling and in the back of my mind, I'm like, "I don't wanna look at this anymore," but I keep scrolling, but I'm like, "Oh this is so tiring."
13:48 Millie: Because in your mind you're like, "What am I gonna do without my phone?" You know what I mean?
13:50 Gabi: Yeah. Like, "What else am I gonna do? Sit here?"
13:53 Millie: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. And I think allowing yourself that time to be off... We're not saying it's wrong, it's just... And even if it's just not on your phone, you could be watching TV. I mean, things could be argued similarly for that. But it's just... There's something about this device that's glued to us, and I never thought of it as a bad thing. But when you really try to consider it, because it's part of our jobs, so we can always argue, "It's our jobs, of course, we'll be on it."
14:19 Gabi: And that's valid!
14:20 Millie: Even us, we recognize that there's value in turning it off at the end of the day, and it's hard sometimes, 'cause as much as you're connecting with people halfway across the world, you have to make sure you're connecting to the people that are in the room with you.
14:34 Gabi: Yeah. Yeah. Especially when people use it as a way of coping. When you don't wanna think about something or something happened that day and you're like, "I don't wanna think about it," or you're upset, you pick up your phone and you scroll 'cause it's just mindless activity that you're just scrolling and you're distracted by other things. So that could also be really detrimental to your mental health, or just you as a person. It's like, "Oh I'm not gonna think about that thing that upset me, I'm just gonna scroll and keep scrolling forever and ever."
14:58 Millie: I mean, it's coping too. Or you post something in the heat of the moment, I'm like, "That is... That's also why I don't post a lot," because I'm like... "They were one of my... These people, I'm friends with them, but they don't gotta know what I've gotta be doing every two seconds," and that I'm just like... I never wanted to be in the heat of the moment. Usually, they're super... If I'm gonna post something it's super planned out, all the things. So I mean, follow my Instagram.
15:18 Gabi: Because she posts absolutely nothing
15:19 Millie: I post these super... My third post.
15:21 Gabi: You don't even have...
15:22 Millie: I've only posted twice on my Instagram. My personal Instagram.
15:23 Gabi: Oh, you do have two... And both times it was me posting for you.
15:26 Millie: That's true! It was something she had taken... Yeah. Both times it with you. So funny.
15:29 Gabi: Both times it was me saying you should post this and you pretty much just handed me your phone and I did it. So, you still haven't come up with a caption or anything.
15:38 Millie: I'm working on it. It's tough. I worked really hard on my bio, though.
15:41 Gabi: People who... Yeah. Yeah right. I also did that and... And then you deleted it and changed it. So you did that, you changed it.
15:49 Millie: I did. It was like shenanigans and music and I felt cute about it.
15:52 Gabi: And you'll probably go back and delete it in a week. Who knows.
15:54 Millie: I probably will. Mm-hmm. Might be right now. Right after this episode.
15:56 Gabi: Right after this episode, I'm gonna delete that.
15:58 Millie: But yeah, so this TED Talk was really good for us to think about. I mean, she did get super dense in a few topics and whatnot, but it was good and she had like, in the TED talk some campaign she started. Like an app to turn your phone off, something like that. We'll start our own...
16:15 Gabi: She had a lot packed into...
16:16 Millie: But it's okay.
16:18 Gabi: No, we definitely won't.
16:19 Millie: She doesn't want to do it, okay.
16:21 Gabi: I don't want to do it.
16:22 Millie: Well, we'll get there. Just you wait. So that's our experience or use of social media. And a few of the points... Something you want to start off with, 'cause there's so much negativity. And we did call this episode "Filtering your scroll game." Some pages or hashtags that we follow, and drain our time away, we want you to drain your time away, too. [chuckle]
16:40 Gabi: Well, no, it's just... If you are going to be scrolling through, you might as well have some people or pages that you follow that are not terribly negative. Just some light-hearted fun, 'cause that's what I like. 'Cause so many... I also follow news channels, and that's heavy stuff. So I need something to balance it out.
16:56 Millie: Which is so negative. Anything that I see at news it's like... Nothing is bad. Actually, if you follow your news article, she shared something like super... A crime or something today and I was like, "Gabi, how can you?"
17:06 Gabi: I just... I follow both. On my Instagram, I have news channels I follow or news outlets or journals, and then I have really light-hearted, stupid hashtags that I follow. Which balances out.
17:18 Millie: Which is good. We follow at least five SpongeBob meme pages, and I love all of that.
17:23 Gabi: They're great. They're so fantastic.
17:24 Millie: They're so good.
17:25 Gabi: There's one that posts at the end of the day, that's the other thing.
17:28 Millie: And we just end up sending either... I send it to her, she sends it to me, and I'm like, "This is so good."
17:32 Gabi: It's so funny.
17:33 Millie: Wholesome, wholesome humor.
17:34 Gabi: Whoever's in charge of the page, they post after 6:00 PM or 7:00 PM almost everyday, and they post 10 things at one time.
17:41 Millie: It's so good. We love it.
17:41 Gabi: It's great. It's a good end of the day one.
17:43 Millie: Actually, I forget, we should have added those names. It's SpongeBob memes, maybe we'll post it on the show notes of our episode. [chuckle]
17:48 Gabi: Yeah. We could do that.
17:49 Millie: Some of the SpongeBob meme pages, because that's the most important.
17:52 Gabi: Yeah. 'Cause they're really funny. That's the important... Really, that's the takeaway. Just follow all the SpongeBob meme pages.
17:55 Millie: And you will have all the positivity.
17:56 Gabi: They have the best, the freshest memes, the most updated. Even if that SpongeBob meme became a thing that day...
18:02 Millie: The "Imma head out" meme!
18:04 Gabi: Imma head out. That's the good one.
18:05 Millie: Dude. I've seen some, I've seen some...
18:06 Gabi: So funny.
18:07 Millie: Oh my gosh. What was the one I sent you of the coffin?
18:10 Gabi: Oh yeah.
18:10 Millie: Where he was like, "Well, when you've had a rough day" and then "Imma head out" into your coffin. So good.
18:15 Gabi: It's like so stupid... I love it though, that's what makes... That's what I like about social media is stupid stuff you can just share.
18:22 Millie: That you just laugh at.
18:23 Gabi: Yeah.
18:24 Millie: Might kill your brain, but it's fulfilling.
18:26 Gabi: But that's why you know your limit.
18:28 Millie: Mm-hmm. You just have your limit on Facebook so... I find that scary.
18:32 Gabi: I have a very... Ten minutes is my limit. Ten minutes in 24 hours, I can't do any more than that.
18:37 Millie: What are some other pages? You follow some people, some influencers?
18:41 Gabi: Well, let's see, because I think I have more...
18:44 Millie: I have a list.
18:44 Gabi: You finally added more.
18:46 Millie: Yeah, I had one person, I was like, "Oh... " Who I follow.
18:47 Gabi: It's 'cause she doesn't use social media. Okay, so I have a few, just some of the pages I follow that aren't necessarily people but it's just concepts, like Apartment Therapy.
18:58 Millie: Oh, so good, and she showed me some.
18:58 Gabi: So good.
19:00 Millie: So aesthetically pleasing.
19:01 Gabi: So good. Me and... Shout-out to Candice. Girl, Apartment Therapy. We love... All day, every day we just send each other... They just send... Or they post rooms or different apartments so you can see other people's styles. It's just really nice. You're just scrolling through, you see some nice furniture. Like why not?
19:17 Millie: It's really nice.
19:17 Gabi: Yeah, that's a good one.
19:19 Millie: It might be a girl thing, but I don't know.
19:21 Gabi: It might be. I don't know, because they have people... They have women and men on it and it's... I don't know. I guess maybe that's something more that women look at. I don't know, but I mean some guys are probably into interior design. I don't know what they're doing with their lives but follow it, it's good. And then I really like Protecting Oceans because they post... I don't know, I just like pictures of... You hate it, but I like pictures...
19:42 Millie: I don't hate it.
19:43 Gabi: But you're not interested in it.
19:44 Millie: I was gonna say, it's just the ocean. I'm never gonna be down there or up in space. Both those things I'm like...
19:49 Gabi: I love the ocean.
19:49 Millie: I'll see it, but if there's an hour long documentary on it I'm like, "Time to take a nap." I'm so sorry. I'm sorry.
19:54 Gabi: That's so rude. I love ocean documentaries. Well, anyway, it's not like ocean documentaries, they post pictures of sea creatures and ocean life and I always like seeing pictures of turtles or whales. So, that's what I like.
20:07 Millie: That's one, positivity.
20:09 Gabi: Yeah, it's just some animals. Why not? I follow Beyonce. Ya'll already know. Ya'll already know I follow Beyonce.
20:15 Millie: Yeah, you know, you know. Yes. On all of them.
20:16 Gabi: Nothing to be said about that. I follow her. I love her. Obsessed. Sussex Royal, Meghan Markle.
20:22 Millie: Oh, see, I will jump on this so, so much.
20:23 Gabi: Seriously, Meghan and Harry are on their tour right now and so they're posting pictures. They're all over the world meeting people and talking to people and it's just positive. You can see what they're doing, who they're meeting, who they're talking to. There are pictures of baby Archie that I was obsessed with that they posted last week or something. And so, it's just stuff like that. Same with Malala, she also posts just positive stuff about what she's doing, what campaign she's a part of, stuff like that.
20:49 Millie: And Cleo Wade, right?
20:53 Gabi: Cleo Wade, yeah. I really like Cleo Wade. Her book is coming out. Her next book is coming out in a few weeks, I think. And she's an author/poet and she posts, just once again, really positive stuff. It's nothing super deep or super political, it's just stuff that is... It's just nice.
21:10 Millie: I mean, it can pick you up, like something that you know that when you scroll on your feed, whatever you get from this person will be either a good laugh or something super light-hearted, which I think this world needs a little bit more of.
21:20 Gabi: Yeah, she's just a positive person and why not follow her because it's something when you're scrolling and you're seeing whatever you're looking at and then you see her or any of these people or pages or whatever and then you're like, "Well, that was nice. It's a little hmm." It's just a little break and whatever else you're looking at and all the heavy stuff that you're scrolling through. And same with, I really like Hugh Jackman's posts 'cause they're so wholesome.
21:42 Millie: I have to... Go ahead.
21:42 Gabi: It'll just be him posting a picture of the beach or his dog and I just really like stuff like that.
21:47 Millie: Those actors. I recently stalked Henry Cavill's page just out of curiosity.
21:52 Gabi: Seriously? I should have put that on here.
21:54 Millie: You should have put that on there. And it's really positive. He has some good just nature stuff. He's like out walking and I'm like and it's just...
22:01 Gabi: Yeah. He made a video in a field one time.
22:03 Millie: This is just not hard to see.
22:04 Gabi: He was just sitting out on a field and he was like, "I really love this peaceful nature." And I was like, "Me too man. I love this." [chuckle]
22:09 Millie: We love it.
22:10 Gabi: Stuff like that. I like that. And then Jenna Fischer, my last one is Jenna Fischer who played Pam on The Office.
22:17 Millie: Oh my gosh.
22:17 Gabi: Literally all she does on her Instagram or at least on her story, sometimes she posts random stuff, but on her story every day, it's literally her just making bread.
22:26 Millie: I love it.
22:26 Gabi: She got this book and she's going through it and making different type of bread and her stories are 15 minutes long, because it's like she's showing you the process of how she's making bread. And I just sit there and I watch it. Watch her try to figure out how to make...
22:36 Millie: I need to follow this page right now.
22:37 Gabi: Yeah, just follow Jenna.
22:38 Millie: This could be either at 9:00 PM or at midnight I will be on...
22:41 Gabi: Seriously, it's just...
[overlapping conversation]
22:43 Millie: That's so cool.
22:44 Gabi: That's all she does is make bread and then talk about...
22:47 Millie: Stuff.
22:47 Gabi: Just random stuff and I'm like, "Sure, I'll sit here and listen to you talk about bread or whatever is happening in your family," or her and Angela Kinsey who... Well, Angela played Angela on The Office, but they're having a...
22:58 Millie: I love The Office.
23:00 Gabi: A podcast actually come out in October...
23:00 Millie: Oh really?
23:00 Gabi: In a few weeks called... I think it's just called The Office Ladies where they're just gonna be like talking about behind the scenes stuff on The Office.
23:06 Millie: That's cute.
23:06 Gabi: Anyway, so I'm hoping that they also post some of their podcast maybe on Instagram too. If they have video or something that would be cool.
23:13 Millie: That would be cool.
23:14 Gabi: But that's another one.
23:15 Millie: That's really cool. My stuff is quite different than Gabi's [chuckle] just because I like to follow stuff like you already know, I love productivity and Gabi knows. She's so annoyed of me by now, or anything history, medieval, I'm obsessed with. So like Sussex Royal, I get it. I do follow the hashtags 'cause you did Apartment Therapy. There's one on medieval. She follows Corseted Beauty.
23:36 Gabi: Yeah, 'cause it's pretty dresses.
23:37 Millie: It's pretty dresses and I just love... It's just so... Anything that gets me away from our current time and space is a good break for me. [chuckle]
23:45 Gabi: Why not?
23:45 Millie: I love it, and then all my people that I follow is like Thomas Frank, which I think I mentioned in the Q&A, Matt D'Avella who also has a great podcast, and it's just about how they work. They're photographers, creatives and I love... For me, it's just so refreshing to see how someone else works. DailyTech. I'm just gonna list them off 'cause I have like so many that I finally thought of and he is a tech guru. And actually it's funny 'cause he's a guy. And rather than Apartment Therapy designs, it's just like desk space and how it works.
24:15 Gabi: I love that.
24:16 Millie: And he shares these episodes, he has a series on people who send them photos of their own office or how they arrange Macs. Not Windows, I'm sorry.
[overlapping conversation]
24:26 Gabi: No windows here. [chuckle]
24:26 Millie: No windows. It's mostly Macs. And it's just super clean and how it fits into their workflow.
24:30 Gabi: Aesthetically pleasing and, I love that.
24:31 Millie: Everything. I'm like, "Dude, you were cleaning for days before you shot this photo for him to share."
24:37 Gabi: Probably.
24:37 Millie: But it's just so good 'cause it's so different. I'm like, people... Either it's super green or black and white.
24:43 Gabi: Black and white.
24:45 Millie: And it's just minimal, minimalist, really good. I like that. And then there's the Kirbyisaboss. She's really, really cool. I do like her stuff. Jaron Myers. He's actually a comedian. I don't know he has a... What's it called, First Date something on Prime Video? It's a comedy show where he asks...
25:05 Gabi: Oh. Like standup?
25:05 Millie: He's a standup comedian and he has this Prime special that he has [chuckle] this first date with a girl, invites her to his show and he's like, "Hey, come on a date with me," but he's actually the headliner.
25:16 Gabi: Oh my gosh.
25:17 Millie: It's so funny. You should see it.
25:19 Gabi: That would be really cringe...
25:20 Millie: And they are dating now.
25:21 Gabi: Really?
25:22 Millie: He's just hilarious. So he's just... I really like that. Any comedy, so good. And then Jon Fisch, he's a college student, UnJaded Jade. She took a, what do you call it? Gap year. And it's just like, "Yes, girl." She was gonna go into Harvard and she was declined, but it's kinda like just how she got over that. Like it's not always positive. But even when these influencers, these people we're following have a tough time, the way they see situations.
25:49 Gabi: But it's just good content though. Yeah.
25:50 Millie: It's good content and just a bunch of other random people and then my music pages, let me...
25:55 Gabi: Oh yeah.
25:56 Millie: Let me support. So, JHM Jams, they're like an orchestra group with cello strings and they do pop cover songs. It's so good.
26:07 Gabi: Oh, those people you tried to show me?
26:07 Millie: I showed, yeah. And she was like, "I don't care." Which is okay.
26:10 Gabi: That's not true.
26:10 Millie: I am a music... Ariel McCleary, Jamie Grace, all these people, I love her, she does like ukulele covers.
26:16 Gabi: Yeah.
26:17 Millie: And she lives in Spain, and she teaches English.
26:21 Gabi: Is she Spanish or she just moved there?
26:23 Millie: No. She learned Spanish in her college career and then she moved there to teach Spanish students to speak English.
26:30 Gabi: Oh, okay. Oh cool.
26:31 Millie: So she's a teacher and I just like anyone who lives not in the United States, anyone that isn't where I'm at or doing what I'm doing, I'm just obsessed with and it's interesting to me.
26:37 Gabi: It's like interesting, yeah.
26:39 Millie: So that was my barrage of different things, either medieval, or productivity, or music? That's my life. The three circles, the Venn diagram.
26:48 Gabi: That's like the combination... And I was gonna say...
26:49 Millie: I have to find one that fits in the middle.
26:51 Gabi: What's the common thread? I don't know if there's one just common thread.
26:54 Millie: There's no common thread, it's just the things I like.
26:56 Gabi: That's okay.
26:56 Millie: It's okay.
26:57 Gabi: I don't really have common threads between my stuff either. People are very surprised when I tell them.
27:00 Millie: All the things you like?
27:01 Gabi: Things I like.
27:02 Millie: It's true. So I mean, those people... You can feel free to share with us the people that you like.
27:06 Gabi: Yeah.
27:08 Millie: And if you have any history pages. Actually, I love the podcast I'm listening to, on my way to Mason, 'cause I need something to like... Is the Stuff You Missed in History Class, and I love it, it's like just... They have tons of episodes.
27:22 Gabi: Is it like facts, like random facts? Is each episode kind of a different theme?
27:24 Millie: No, no, it's like a story. It's always a story on an author, a female author.
27:29 Gabi: Oh cool.
27:29 Millie: Or like a monarch. And like just it could be mini-series or American history and it's just usually half hour, 45 minutes, which is perfect for my commute. And I'm like, "So interesting." More productive than... I listen to music too, but it's always nice when you learn something. So that's my final one, listen to that podcast.
27:45 Gabi: That's cool.
27:46 Millie: I think we did just recently make our resource page live.
27:49 Gabi: Yeah, yes. We have a resource page on our website now, so it can... We kinda categorized it by what we're watching, what we're listening to, what we're reading, and then we have another section on the same page of what we're mentioning in the podcast.
28:04 Millie: Yeah.
28:04 Gabi: So you can find everything that we mention in all the episodes listed there, also in the show notes. But if you want like all together, then you'll see everything, and we'll try to update it every season I guess, 'cause we kinda did fall 2019. So then in winter, we'll do what we're reading, watching, listening to, in the podcast.
28:21 Millie: I'll have a lot more time to do stuff when I'm not in school.
28:23 Gabi: Yeah. Winter 2019. Yeah, look at that too and let us know if there's any overlap, 'cause we're always looking... Or if you have anything that you think we would like, because we're always looking for new TV shows, or movies, or books, or something like that, or a podcast.
28:34 Millie: Which is true, which is true. Always Netflix, like binging on all the sorts of stuff.
28:37 Gabi: Yeah, yeah.
28:39 Millie: But those are the people that we follow and then here are just some notes, some tips.
28:44 Gabi: Yeah.
28:46 Millie: The iPhone Screen Time, have you used it?
28:49 Gabi: I do use it.
28:50 Millie: You do use it?
28:50 Gabi: Yeah. Because...
28:51 Millie: Oh, 'cause you shut down Facebook. That's why you use it.
28:53 Gabi: Well, yeah, I shut it down, I shut down Facebook. But I also have it for, I think I have it for Instagram and Twitter, I take that back. Twitter, I think I took it off...
29:02 Millie: I'm sure you did, I'm sure you did.
29:03 Gabi: Because I would always go over and so I didn't wanna set it to something horrible like only six hours a day, [chuckle] so I just turned it off completely.
29:09 Millie: You were like, "I don't wanna know how much, I'm giving myself the margin."
29:10 Gabi: Yeah, I don't wanna know how much, but Instagram it's something like, I don't know. This is gonna sound really bad, okay, but there's always people who are gonna spend more time on it, so I know that.
29:20 Millie: Which is true.
29:21 Gabi: But I think mine is like two hours, two-and-a-half hours a day, for Instagram, which is...
29:26 Millie: But it's your job. I'm kidding. I won't use that excuse, but it is.
29:28 Gabi: I mean, what... Well, yeah, but that's not as bad as some other people. And that's not all at one time either.
29:35 Millie: Which is true. I use it...
29:35 Gabi: You're opening it for five minutes here and 10 minutes there and whatever, and so...
29:38 Millie: You're braver than I am. I don't use it to set caps on anything, mostly 'cause I don't... Other than Instagram. I'm never on Twitter and I'm only on Facebook to do work related stuff. So Instagram, I'm like, I guess I don't look specifically at apps. Usually I just use it like for my screen time in general.
29:54 Gabi: In general.
29:54 Millie: It fluctuates so much.
29:55 Gabi: You see, I tried that, but I couldn't do that, 'cause I think it was... I did that at first 'cause I didn't know you could set it for each specific app.
30:03 Millie: Oh, really?
30:03 Gabi: And then I took it off, because it kept on locking me out of my phone.
30:06 Millie: No, I don't use it, I still don't use to it locking me, I'm like, "You're not gonna do that to me."
30:10 Gabi: Yeah, I'm in charge.
30:11 Millie: I could not do that, but I just use it to see at the end of the week the report it gives me, and I'm like, "I sucked this week or I was pretty good this week."
30:17 Gabi: Yeah.
30:18 Millie: 'Cause it can vary a lot, but I think it's helpful to know, you know what I mean? To enable it and be like...
30:22 Gabi: Yeah, like if you're gonna spend that much then at least have a handle on... Like at least know. Yeah.
30:26 Millie: And you can be like, "This is not good for me." And people are super surprised. 'Cause I'm like, "I'm on my mail app a lot and it counts that." Anything, anything. YouTube, probably a big, big one on me.
30:35 Gabi: That's a big one for me too, YouTube.
30:36 Millie: Actually, we didn't mention that, but YouTube is...
30:39 Gabi: I watch YouTube like TV.
30:39 Millie: A social media platform, people don't think so, but it's my TV.
30:42 Gabi: It's... That's TV half the time is I watch... 'Cause people... When you're gonna produce an episode that's a 30-minute long thing, then of course, I'm gonna use it as TV.
30:51 Millie: It's true. It's so true. I use it... I love vlogs.
30:56 Gabi: Yeah.
30:56 Millie: Oh, a friend recommended to me. Becca, I'm gonna give you... You called out Candace and I'm gonna call Becca and she recommended, I think it's The Bucket List Family and I love them.
31:05 Gabi: Oh, did you start watching them?
31:06 Millie: Yeah, yeah. And they're so cool.
31:07 Gabi: Yeah.
31:08 Millie: They're so cute. I love vlogs, that's my TV.
31:11 Gabi: Yeah.
31:11 Millie: I gotta watch... I got all the little families I gotta check up on at the end of the day, if I got time, that's my TV.
31:16 Gabi: Yeah.
31:17 Millie: And then watching Netflix with my Mom, but...
31:17 Gabi: It is TV. That's the thing that you have double the TV.
31:21 Millie: Don't... It's good.
31:22 Gabi: And don't say it like that.
31:23 Millie: It's good, it's good. Don't say it like that.
31:24 Gabi: You're on the internet and then you have TV.
31:26 Millie: Two different things.
31:27 Gabi: Two different things, totally separate.
31:28 Millie: Both sometimes a waste of time, it's okay.
31:30 Gabi: Most of the time, but it's entertaining.
31:34 Millie: It's okay, I think. But the screen time I think it's helpful just if you know, then you can do something about it.
31:41 Gabi: Yeah.
31:41 Millie: If you're comfortable with it or not, because let's say you're spending six hours, you're like, "That's six hours."
31:49 Gabi: Yeah. That's a long...
31:49 Millie: Dude, the day's 24 hours. That's like a quarter of your day. And people say they don't got time, I'm like, "Okay, just pull up this thing... "
31:55 Gabi: You definitely have time. Yeah.
31:56 Millie: "And then I'll tell you if you got time or not."
31:57 Gabi: Yeah. If you have time or not, yeah.
32:00 Millie: So, that's always good. And I think a lot of people know that but... And I'm not even saying put a cap like you do. I guess it's helpful for you. I'm like...
32:06 Gabi: Yeah, it's helpful.
32:07 Millie: Maybe I'll get to the point that I'll use it to lock something, but it hasn't gotten that bad yet, but I just like knowing.
32:11 Gabi: Yeah.
32:12 Millie: And then... With, along with noticing how much total time, notice how much you use it, as like a five-minute time killer.
32:21 Gabi: I do that.
32:22 Millie: I think.
32:22 Gabi: I use it all the time like that.
32:23 Millie: Yeah.
32:23 Gabi: Like always.
32:23 Millie: Seems like if you're working. So... I mean it's helpful. There's no reminder something like that, but to know like am I picking it up while I'm doing this assignment and being like every two minutes and realizing, "Oh, there goes another two minutes down the drain," 'cause that's where the six hours that you end up using, that's where it comes from.
32:40 Gabi: That's where it goes. That's what I'm saying, it's never all at one time. I mean it might be but for me it's not. But it's just, it's five minutes here and then 10 minutes there and like you said like, "Oh I showed up for this class early." And then that's 10 minutes early, "Okay, well, I'm on my phone for another 10 minutes," it's just little increments like that, and it ends up adding up, and especially if you wake up at 6:00 AM and you don't go to bed till 11:00 PM or 12:00 PM.
33:00 Millie: Mm-hmm. Six hours of your day.
33:02 Gabi: That's a huge chunk of the day.
33:05 Millie: Which is so true.
33:05 Gabi: Yeah.
33:06 Millie: And I think we're in a world that craves or misses all the time, that they don't know where it goes.
33:12 Gabi: Yeah.
33:14 Millie: And I'm like, well, you actually have it like in your hand, that's where it's going to.
33:17 Gabi: That's literally.
33:17 Millie: And people don't realize it. So, those two things, like know your total time and know where the little bits of time are going to because they go hand-in-hand, and I think that'll help you. But those were our tips and how we use social media and all the positive people that we follow. And here's the part that Gabi doesn't want to get to...
33:38 Gabi: I don't wanna do it.
33:38 Millie: She doesn't want to get to, but we thought we would do a little...
33:39 Gabi: It was your idea and I don't want to do it.
33:41 Millie: It was my idea 'cause I love productivity and I'm like anything, like I want to try it out. It's only a week, don't panic.
33:46 Gabi: I'm not panicking, I just don't want to do it.
33:50 Millie: And we want to do it...
33:50 Millie: And we want to do it with the people who follow us on social media. And it's a little challenge, it's different, 'cause a lot of people have either locking but we want to make a conscious decision from 11:00 PM to 2:00 PM.
34:02 Gabi: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
34:03 Millie: Yeah, 11:00 AM. Who's going to be using social media at 2:00 AM in the morning?
[overlapping conversation]
34:07 Gabi: You, you, you.
34:08 Millie: Don't drag me. Don't drag me. I thought we were gonna make it through this episode without you dragging me.
34:12 Gabi: I almost made it.
34:12 Millie: It's okay, you almost made it. But from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, to not use social media. Like we know you'll answer mail, or answer texts, calls, all the things.
34:22 Gabi: Like the mindless like scrolling.
34:24 Millie: Because I think a lot of people are up by that time even if you slept in.
34:27 Gabi: But that's hard, because it's over that lunch period where you're sitting, eating, and you're just scrolling through.
34:32 Millie: You could have said that when we decided the time period, but that's what it is now.
34:36 Gabi: I didn't decide anything. I didn't decide... You were gonna do it whether I wanted to do it or not.
34:38 Millie: True, but lunch time. Hey, that's a time that could be you time that isn't spent on the phone.
34:43 Gabi: You could stare at the wall and eat lunch.
34:49 Millie: No Gabi...
34:51 Gabi: Okay. No, I will try it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. I can do that, for a day.
34:56 Millie: I'm gonna hold you accountable. We're gonna see. We're talking from this Thursday...
34:58 Gabi: You can't because you're not even around me.
35:00 Millie: Whenever you've seen this episode, a week from then. And we'll check back on our next episode and let us know how it's going. I'm gonna check in with Gabi and probably drag her about it.
35:09 Gabi: I can do it.
35:11 Millie: You can do it.
35:12 Gabi: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
35:13 Millie: And it's just like more than a detox just to see what you can do 'cause like you said it's lunch time, people do have like a break, how else better could you spend that time?
35:20 Gabi: You could read. I read!
35:21 Millie: Read! See! It's not that scary. And then whatever time you spend mindlessly scrolling, you can spend at the end of your day once you've done productive things.
35:28 Gabi: I was gonna say, then you gotta double up at the end of the day because you missed everything, you gotta double up.
35:33 Millie: This is like backfiring on me in all the ways possible. Good, so that's the challenge, 11:00 PM to 2:00 PM, and when we post a reminder of when this episode goes up, we will mention the challenge and we challenge all of you and let us know if it helps you, if you hate it like Gabi.
35:47 Gabi: I might end up liking it.
35:47 Millie: Or if you're going to love it like me or it might be flipped, you're right.
35:50 Gabi: You might hate it and I might be like this the best, thanks for this idea. And you might be like, this is horrible. You don't know. I'm a wild card.
[overlapping conversation]
35:57 Millie: Would love to see. And let us know if it's horrible, 'cause we might switch it up. I'll probably get shut down, but I was like maybe we can extend the time or make it from like 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM.
36:05 Gabi: Okay. Well, first of all we haven't even done 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM yet. So maybe we should take it one step at a time.
36:10 Millie: We will.
36:11 Gabi: Can't run before we even know how to crawl.
36:14 Millie: [chuckle] But it might switch up, we'll see. Or it might just end after one week, regardless, do the challenge with us and see.
36:20 Gabi: End after one week. [laughter] We can just do it to say we did it.
36:22 Millie: Hmm, that's okay. But before you go on your little break, make sure you follow us.
36:29 Gabi: Yeah. So before you take this break from social media, make sure you're following all of our content so you can see it.
36:36 Millie: Changed by Degrees at Facebook. For all you Facebook peeps, it's okay, we still support.
36:40 Gabi: Which, once again, I'm sorry we forget to post on Facebook.
36:42 Millie: It's okay...
36:43 Gabi: We're getting better.
36:44 Millie: We're getting better. And Instagram, on which we post all of our shenanigans. I did a cartwheel the other day. So if you wanna see me do more cartwheels, follow us.
36:49 Gabi: It took us a while to do it too, for you to do it, for me to get it on video, it took a hot second.
36:53 Millie: It's true. I did perfect cartwheels every second. It was all your fault. And she danced. So if you wanna see that content.
37:00 Gabi: I did!
37:00 Millie: Follow us on Instagram and Twitter, I'm sure Gabi's meandering thoughts will be posted every once in a awhile.
37:07 Gabi: They sometimes make their way. Maybe.
37:11 Millie: Maybe. So you can take a break and then check back with us at you know, 2:00 PM, jump back in and see all the craziness and let us know if we're suffering or not.
37:19 Gabi: Well, we will be.
37:21 Millie: But thanks for joining us.
37:22 Gabi: Thank you, for hanging in there with us. [chuckle]
37:26 Millie: We made it and we will make it through this week, I promise you.
37:28 Gabi: Yes, we will.
37:28 Millie: Please don't panic on me. She's going to give up...
[overlapping conversation]
37:30 Gabi: No, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it for the whole week. I will. We're gonna do it.
37:35 Millie: I'm excited for this.
37:36 Gabi: I am too.
37:36 Millie: This is good. No, it's good.
37:38 Gabi: It's good.
37:39 Millie: We hope you guys have a great week with all of your social media usage or not. Let us know how it's going and we'll see you again for a new episode next week.
37:48 Gabi: See you guys.
37:49 Millie: See you guys.