011: Time To Binge!

00:07 Millie: Hey, it's Millie.

00:07 Gabi: It's Gabi.

00:08 Millie: And we're back for another spooky Change By Degrees. It's actually Halloween today.

00:14 Gabi: Yeah, when this comes out, I guess it would be Halloween.

00:17 Millie: Oh my gosh. You might get a little pic of us of our... I think it's gonna be the best costumes yet.

00:21 Gabi: It probably will be the best, definitely the best made costumes. We're going homemade.

00:26 Millie: It's gonna be from scratch.

00:26 Gabi: I feel like most people go homemade, now but it's gonna be pretty good.

00:29 Millie: They do. It's like an art craft.

00:31 Gabi: Yeah. You only have to do it once a year, so it's not like that hard.

00:35 Millie: I actually never celebrated Halloween growing up. It just wasn't a thing.

00:38 Gabi: I don't know if I celebrated it, but I wanted candy.

00:41 Millie: Yeah, I had candy. That was my celebration by myself in my house.

00:44 Gabi: So you went and bought candy and ate it in your house? 

00:45 Millie: Mm-hmm.

00:46 Gabi: That's not fun.

00:47 Millie: That's fun.

00:47 Gabi: Okay.

00:48 Millie: It's fun. It was fun. It's fun now.

00:48 Gabi: What else did you do? Did you sit and like watch...

00:51 Millie: I would see little children going around the street, getting candy.

00:56 Gabi: So you would watch everyone else dress up and have fun from your door? 

00:58 Millie: Yeah. I didn't wanna do it.

01:00 Gabi: That's good.

01:00 Millie: Yeah, there you go.

01:02 Gabi: And that's it? 

01:02 Millie: That's it.

01:02 Gabi: That's all you did every year.

01:03 Millie: What did you do? What did you do? 

01:04 Gabi: I would go trick or treating like a normal person.

01:05 Millie: Oh, but you said you didn't celebrate Halloween.

01:07 Gabi: Well I mean I don't think that's... I mean I guess it's celebrating. I don't know, do you really... You don't really celebrate... I guess you celebrate Halloween.

01:11 Millie: No, you just steal candy.

01:12 Gabi: I participate in Halloween.

01:14 Millie: It's good.

01:14 Gabi: Do I celebrate it? Not really. I'm not really celebrating anything but, I participate because I want free candy and I liked dressing up.

01:20 Millie: It's good. Trunk or treat.

01:22 Gabi: Oh, we used to... Yeah, we used to do that, but some years we didn't do it, so I would just go to my neighborhood. Or we would go actually to our friends, we would go to their neighborhood. Although the parents would sit in the driveway while all the kids went trick or treating around the neighborhood. The dads would take us trick or treating, and the moms would sit in the driveway and wait for us to come back, and then when we came back, they would check all our candy to make sure it wasn't open or whatever.

01:46 Millie: I was gonna say that's something to be careful of because some people are crazy nowadays.

01:50 Gabi: Yeah. I mean we never had... Sometimes, wrappers come open just because it's in a huge bag of candy, people are handling it, but we never had something that was weird like it was just like, "Oh, don't eat that."

02:01 Millie: Insane. I've heard horror stories but...

02:02 Gabi: Really? 'Cause I never, I don't know. If I thought about it long enough I probably would think of something.

02:05 Millie: You know all the horror stories, even if they're not Halloween-related.

02:08 Gabi: Okay. I don't know about that.

02:10 Millie: She does, she's the expert. And this week, we're gonna be doing, it's called Time to Binge. And we thought it'd be a little break from all the school craziness, we're halfway through, and just talk about our favorite shows, movies, Netflix things and actually, Gabi will start us off because she knows I'm not one for...

02:27 Gabi: Okay. I don't know. I just, I enjoy my horror films, well because it's Halloween.

02:31 Millie: How do you enjoy that?

02:32 Gabi: Well, I just think they're interesting.

02:34 Millie: No.

02:35 Gabi: Oh my God, yes, they are. It's not like... Some people like romantic comedies. That's not my thing. I like horror films.

02:41 Millie: Here and there, it depends.

02:41 Gabi: Some people, that's not their thing. So, the trailer for The Grudge just came out yesterday, they're re-making The Grudge. It looks really good.

02:47 Millie: No, I haven't seen it.

02:48 Gabi: The trailer, not the movie, the trailer.

02:49 Millie: Neither.

02:50 Gabi: Okay, good, good, good. It looks really good. That's all I'm gonna say about that. But yeah, I just, I don't know. I really enjoy horror films and sometimes, it's hard on Netflix to find good ones because they have a lot of originals like Netflix original horror films and they're sometimes like really not good at all.

03:04 Millie: I haven't seen. The only one... I know you'll start with maybe the Joker.

03:08 Gabi: Yeah.

03:08 Millie: But one that I've seen, the only one I've seen that Gabi hasn't seen is... How do I not know this? Oh, well it's not horror, it's, Absentia.

03:16 Gabi: Is that like a sci-fi or something? 

03:18 Millie: Well not sci-fi. It's like a murder mystery, and she's seen all the series on detectives and people getting shot dead.

03:24 Gabi: Interesting. I think detective like, I don't know, like police work, detective, like Cold Case Files, Forensic Files. I think that's all really interesting.

03:30 Millie: I used to see a little bit of that but it just, I get so scared. I'm like, I can't watch it at night 'cause I'm like, "I'm not gonna go to sleep. It's fine." But that's the only one that I've seen that I think you definitely need to watch and let me know what you think. You would love it.

03:40 Gabi: Yeah, I'd never heard of that. I'd never heard of that. I'll have to watch it.

03:43 Millie: It's really creepy but it wasn't creepy enough that I couldn't watch it.

03:46 Gabi: Is it on Netflix or Hulu? 

03:46 Millie: Netflix. Yeah. Really, really good and I don't wanna spoil it.

03:51 Gabi: Yeah, don't.

03:52 Millie: And I don't have interesting commentary because it's spooky to me but me and my mom watched it.

03:56 Gabi: Did you cover your eyes for the whole time? 

03:57 Millie: There were some things where I was like, "Mmm." That was me.

04:00 Gabi: So, some of those, you have to... [chuckle] Some of those, you have to... I remember when I was first starting to watch horror films. It sounds like so dramatic. It wasn't that dramatic. When I was watching horror films, just by myself, there were times where I would pause. If I knew something was, if it got really tense, I would have to like pause and walk away and be like, "That was tense. I gotta bring it down a little bit."

04:18 Millie: You know, the thing is there were some scenes in that series where like, I need to find out the end. You can't just stop in the middle. I'm like, "This person will walk out. The person that's getting chased or whatever. I'm gonna get eaten alive. I need to make sure that I know that person's taken care of, in whatever sense.

04:34 Gabi: So, what if it says like at the end like, "This person escaped and they were never found."

04:37 Millie: That's what I'm saying. I watched the Ted Bundy documentary.

04:40 Gabi: Okay, but he's dead.

04:41 Millie: I still got scared that I would get kidnapped.

04:43 Gabi: Yes, he did escape but he was found again and then, he was killed.

04:46 Millie: That's what I'm saying. So dark but it's true. And I didn't even finish 'cause I was just so scared.

04:52 Gabi: But you know... Oh so you didn't... Okay.

04:54 Millie: No, no.

04:54 Gabi: But he is dead. You do know that.

04:56 Millie: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

04:56 Gabi: Logically, you know that he is not here, on this earth.

04:58 Millie: Might get you, might get you. All I'm saying, might get you.

05:01 Gabi: Okay, okay, good. That makes... That says it all. But you want to see the conclusion but you don't watch, you didn't watch the end of that to know that he is dead.

05:10 Millie: I'm not interested. I'm not interested.

05:11 Gabi: Okay. Well, if he were still alive today, he would be really old so he wouldn't be able to get you anyway. He's too old. He can't keep up.

05:18 Millie: You never know, Gabi. Can't know.

05:19 Gabi: That's true. That's true. Well, I didn't watch... Actually, I did watch the Ted Bundy one. It was okay. Was that the three-part one that you watched? 

05:27 Millie: No, because I watched the... There was a documentary that they released on Netflix and then, there was one where Zack Efron, it was an actual movie.

05:31 Gabi: Oh, that's the movie. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

05:33 Millie: I didn't watch the movie.

05:34 Gabi: I actually didn't either.

05:34 Millie: I started watching the documentary, and then I got to the end of one episode where he did his first escape in prison. And I'm like, "I'm done."

05:41 Gabi: But that was the three-part one, right? 

05:42 Millie: Yeah.

05:42 Gabi: That came out around the same time the movie came out. That was on Netflix. That was pretty good. It was like three parts.

05:47 Millie: It was interesting.

05:48 Gabi: Yeah, it was interesting.

05:50 Millie: Scary.

05:51 Gabi: Yeah, but I just like the psychology behind it. I'm watching a show right now. Speaking of, well, binging, I'm watching a show called Mindhunter, which I feel like a lot of people have already watched, but I was late to the show.

06:01 Millie: Haven't seen it.

06:02 Gabi: And it's on Netflix, and it's like a show about, I think, there's only two seasons about kind of the psychology that went behind developing a serial killer.

06:10 Millie: Oh, you were telling me about this.

06:12 Gabi: So, they didn't... In like the 70s, late 70s, early 80s, they didn't have the term serial killer like we do now. They didn't know what that meant. And so, it's just about this team of people who work for the FBI and they're trying to develop all the characteristics that go behind defining what a serial killer is and why they do what they do and all this stuff. So, that's really interesting that I've been... I don't know how factual it is. It seems pretty factual. I've been enjoying it, just from what I know, I'm like, "Yeah, that's pretty accurate."

06:36 Millie: So, it's like a documentary-esqe series.

06:38 Gabi: Well, no, it's an actual fiction, like it's TV, it's like a show. But it's just about this team of people working for the FBI in the early '80s, developing this term serial killer.

06:48 Millie: That would be interesting, but there's probably cases where you're like...

06:50 Gabi: And they work... They work murder cases and stuff. The main character, he was... He's always worked for the FBI but he used to be a hostage negotiator until he took a break from that. He went to teach at a college and then he's like, "Yeah, this isn't for me." Then he meets these other people who are interested in behavioral science, and that's the department they work in, as behavioral scientists...

07:06 Millie: Right.

07:06 Gabi: To develop psychology behind killers and people and serial rapists, and all that stuff.

07:13 Millie: So creepy, but...

07:14 Gabi: It's all really creepy but it's a good show.

07:15 Millie: Everyday there's a new story for Gabi to tell me, of some crazy person who's done a crazy thing.

07:19 Gabi: It's interesting.

07:20 Millie: That she finds interesting.

07:20 Gabi: I really wanted to be a forensic psychologist when I was in high school.

07:23 Millie: I could never.

07:23 Gabi: But then I was like, "I don't like science that much, I can't do science and math that well."

07:27 Millie: I wouldn't think it was that closely related, but I'm sure it ties in.

07:29 Gabi: I'm sure at some point it is, and I just don't find it... I just don't wanna do that for a living.

07:33 Millie: So if there's any foreign psych... Foreign? Forensic...

07:38 Gabi: There you go.

07:40 Millie: Psychology majors, [chuckle] contact Gabi.

07:41 Gabi: Yeah, help me out. It's interesting. I just don't wanna be tested on it. I wanna learn about it, but I don't wanna have to memorize stuff and take a test.

07:45 Millie: That's valid though.

07:47 Gabi: Yeah.

07:47 Millie: No one wants to get tested on anything.

07:49 Gabi: No, exactly. But that is one series that I have been really enjoying, is Mindhunter. And then, obviously, Stranger Things. I feel like me saying this, everyone's like, "Okay, we watched that in one day." I know you haven't seen it.

08:00 Millie: I haven't... I haven't seen it. Dude... I haven't, but you know what I have heard from Gabi every day of my life ever since she ever started this, is, "Never ending story."

08:10 Gabi: I seriously... Everyone knows exactly what that is from in season three. I, when I tell you...

08:16 Millie: There was a phase.

08:21 Gabi: When they started singing that, I was gonna cry. I was so touched. It was great. I still, to this day, I'm like... I don't think I can watch that episode. I only watched it once.

08:25 Millie: I can't even...

08:26 Gabi: I don't think I can go back and watch that episode, 'cause that was so... The last... I was... I was gonna cry. It was so touching and I just wanted to...

08:32 Millie: And I remember the day that you watched that episode, you came, we were doing something together and you were like, "Millie."

08:35 Gabi: It was back in July.

08:36 Millie: You would not stop singing this song.

08:37 Gabi: I was so obsessed.

08:38 Millie: And she still sings it. I know it to a T. The whole... Every lyric, I know it. I have never watched Stranger Things, but I know that.

08:45 Gabi: And you know the scene too. You've watched the scene.

08:47 Millie: She did show me the scene too. And then we saw the original, and she didn't like that one.

08:50 Gabi: No, I didn't like the original, it was weird. But I liked when Dustin sang it with Suzie. It was really sweet.

08:56 Millie: I don't know these characters but I know the song.

08:57 Gabi: Okay, well, Dustin and Suzie, and they sing it together and it's the sweetest thing. And then that Russian guy is dead, but it's fine. Anyway, I don't wanna get into my feelings about Stranger Things 'cause it made me... I've... I'm seriously gonna cry. I teared up. Anyway, it's fine. But Stranger Things, I feel like everyone has already seen it, except for you.

09:12 Millie: Well, actually, the main actress is... What's her name? Millie Bobby Brown? 

09:16 Gabi: Yeah.

09:16 Millie: I'm the original, okay? [chuckle]

09:18 Gabi: Okay, y'all have the same name. No, she's... Oh, she is younger than you.

09:20 Millie: Yeah, Millie, but...

09:21 Gabi: She's younger than you, yeah. Barely.

09:23 Millie: So I'm the original.

09:25 Gabi: We'll see. We'll see about that. But Stranger Things. Obviously, I'm looking forward to season four. That comes out at some point.

09:30 Millie: And it's the last one, right? 

09:32 Gabi: I don't know. I don't think so.

09:33 Millie: I thought they took... I thought they said...

09:34 Gabi: They just announced season four. I don't know if it's the last one, but all I know is they gotta go find Hopper because he's in some Russian prison camp or something, and I'm like, "Y'all better save him." If he's dead, I'm not watching the show anymore 'cause he's my favorite character. But Stranger Things, definitely. I went and saw Joker last week.

09:51 Millie: Last weekend, right? 

09:52 Gabi: Oh my gosh, so fantastic.

09:52 Millie: I've only seen one scene too, that she sees me, but...

09:57 Gabi: Joker was... It was so good. I... And I'm not... And that's the thing, the only reason why I went to go see it is 'cause I really like origin stories. I'm not into DC Universe, superhero stuff. I couldn't care less. Don't like Marvel. Haven't seen the Avengers. That's probably gonna make some people upset, but I don't care.

10:08 Millie: Wow. See, I've seen it 'cause I have a brother. Oh, you do too, but...

10:10 Gabi: I just don't... I just don't find that... Yeah, I just don't find it interesting.

10:12 Millie: Younger. Younger brother, so he was obsessed.

10:14 Gabi: Yeah, I just don't find superhero stuff too interesting, but I was like, "Oh, I like a good origin story." And Joker's a... He's a weird character, and I was like, "Sure, I'll go see that." And so I went and saw it, and it was, it was so fantastic. If it doesn't win so many awards this award season...

10:29 Millie: You're gonna be upset?

10:34 Gabi: I'm gonna be so upset. And I'm not gonna understand why 'cause it was so good. And I had a conversation with my friend, and we talked about it for like an hour and a half. Just discussed it. I mean, it was so good.

10:38 Millie: How it... I will say it's complex. It's not just a good guy beats the bad guy story, I'm sure.

10:41 Gabi: It was super, super complex. And it wasn't too gory. It wasn't really gory at all. It was just like...

10:48 Millie: I wouldn't think that, it's just intense.

10:48 Gabi: No, it was very psychological. I would even categorize it as a psychological thriller. If it wasn't for the superhero angle. Batman's not in it 'cause it's his origin story but it just... I don't know, it's in the same universe. But it was really a psycho-thriller. It was very... It was very real. It was... Nothing was outlandish. Nothing was like, "Oh, he had this weird power," and blah, blah, blah, blah. It was super... It was normal. It was a film that you're like, "Oh it's a normal guy and he has this mental health issue." And then you just see the progression so clearly; that's what I think makes it kind of disturbing for people, as well is because it was so real, and you can see how this person became Joker...

11:23 Millie: What he is, yeah.

11:26 Gabi: And hurt people. You can see how he became what he is. And so it was just really, really interesting.

11:29 Millie: Real.

11:29 Gabi: It was very real.

11:30 Millie: Yeah.

11:31 Gabi: And I think that's why a lot of people were like, "It was a little disturbing." 'Cause it's the truth. But I really enjoyed it. And if you like... I mean I think both audiences will enjoy it. People who like thrillers in general, and then people who are just really into Batman or DC Universe comics or whatever. I think it was good for both.

11:47 Millie: I'll get to watching it. I'm in college, so... [chuckle]

11:49 Gabi: It's really not that gory. There was three parts, maybe, that were kind of gory, but they weren't overly gory in the sense...

11:58 Millie: I don't even mind... Well, over... But I don't mind goriness. It's just... Horror.

12:03 Gabi: Yeah, it wasn't horror, though.

12:05 Millie: Yeah, I don't think so.

12:09 Gabi: It was... It was... It was really good. I feel like you would enjoy it if you can get past the...

12:10 Millie: The creepiness? 

12:10 Gabi: The creepiness. It was creepy, but it was... It was really good.

12:12 Millie: And I think the actor did really well.

12:14 Gabi: Yeah.

12:14 Millie: Joaquin Phoenix.

12:16 Gabi: Yeah.

12:16 Millie: He got standing ovations.

12:17 Gabi: Fantastic.

12:22 Millie: There was a guy who really suffered from what the Joker suffered from.

12:24 Gabi: Oh, the laughing condition.

12:24 Millie: He was like, "It's really... " And that it was really real, when you laugh so hard that you start coughing. Stuff like that. So hey, props to him.

12:28 Gabi: That part was really disturbing too 'cause he's... There's so many instances where he's laughing so hard, that he starts to choke a little bit. And I think audiences were a little bit not comfortable with that either. But then I'm like, "Well, if it's a condition... "

12:40 Millie: It's real.

12:42 Gabi: What do you... I guess you could water it down, but why do that when you're trying to pay respect to a condition that people actually have. You might as well go all out. I think he did a really good job.

12:53 Millie: That's true.

12:53 Gabi: That one was just... I can't get over how fantastic. I would see it again. If someone was like, "Let's go, " I would pay to go see it again. That's one of those movies.

13:00 Millie: It's good, yeah. You're not gonna rip one off from the internet.


13:01 Millie: That's good.

13:02 Gabi: That's not one I'm gonna go rip off from the internet. So, thanks, FBI. And then Bird Box, you saw... Okay, you watched Bird Box.

13:09 Millie: We both watched it, and actually...

13:10 Gabi: Yes. That's one that you did like, right? 

13:12 Millie: I did like it. And I mean, 'cause it's not... It is horror, I know it is, but you never see the thing, whatever it is, and I just find it so fascinating. You have this group of different people and how they each react, and I just, for being a Netflix original, I was really proud of that production. It was Sandra Bullock...

13:31 Gabi: Yeah, that's why I was... I'm always leery about Netflix originals, but it was so good and Sandra Bullock was really, really good.

13:35 Millie: She was really good, and it was a great story. It wasn't just about horror, it was like, there was a story behind it, and the character development, and I just found it so fascinating that something could be so creepy and you don't even know what it is, or even see it.

13:48 Gabi: Yeah, it's the suspense that was really fantastic. And similarly, like with Bird Box, I think A Quiet Place also does that where you do, you might... You get glimpses of the creature, whatever. I don't know if you saw A Quiet Place? 

13:58 Millie: No.

14:00 Gabi: But it's similar to Bird Box, where you're not completely sure about the creature or whatever, but it's really the suspense, it's the suspense that makes the movie so good. And especially when, with "Bird Box," you can't look at it, and then, with A Quiet Place, you can't make any noise. So you're missing...

14:17 Millie: Right, it's a similar idea.

14:18 Gabi: It's a similar idea, and with both movies, the... In the story, you're missing a key element, which is your sense of... Well, talking, and your... The audience misses the sense of hearing then, 'cause they're not talking. And then, with "Bird Box," you're missing...

14:32 Millie: Your sight.

14:32 Gabi: Sight, vision. So it's really hard, I think, to communicate horror and suspense when you're missing those things, 'cause that's how you watch a movie, but they, just both movies did so fantastic. Like you said, with Bird Box...

14:43 Millie: I really liked it.

14:44 Gabi: The storyline was really good.

14:44 Millie: It was so good. I don't wanna give a lot away, but what she calls the kid, and stuff like that, it's just, you can go into such a deeper discussion behind it, which I don't think you can do with a lot of, at least, the horror thriller movies that I've seen. It's more for the thrill of it, and there's no substance, but with that, I'm like, the horror aspect helped build the storyline. It played a part, it wasn't just that.

15:06 Gabi: Yeah. It was like the narrative was built around the fact that there is also a horror element, it wasn't just horror for the sake of it, which I think a lot of times happens with... And that's why there was a period in time where I was just not interested in any of the horror films coming out in the early 2000s, because it just... The early 2000s up to the late maybe, maybe 2010, 2011, because it was just we... I think the horror industry, you get this new CGI stuff and you get all these different things that you can use to make stuff look really, really cool and gory and whatever, and so I think a lot of productions and movies and films were relying on, really heavily on the CGI element, and they were kind of forgetting the narrative, and I was like, "This is not interesting."

15:49 Gabi: I'd be watching a movie and I'd be like, "This is just, it's just bloody for the sake of being bloody and gory, because they can, because it looks really realistic, but it's not interesting." And like, "Okay, you made this really cool creature with all this CGI technology, but I don't find it interesting at all. There's no narrative." But I think now, maybe starting 2016, 2015, we're... The horror genre is starting to go back to that narrative, because I think people are finding out that, "Oh, you can have a really cool story and a really deep story in horror."

16:16 Millie: Yeah, and you just get creative.

16:18 Gabi: Yeah.

16:18 Millie: People will find it boring. I guess there's some weirdos out there who just love the gore, the horror, but you can attract a larger audience. Bird Box was huge when it came out.

16:27 Gabi: Everyone was talking about it on Twitter for like two weeks.

16:28 Millie: And the memes. The memes.

16:29 Gabi: The memes. Yeah, the memes that came out of it.

16:30 Millie: Oh my goodness. I... Everyone got me.

16:31 Gabi: I still see some of them floating around a little bit sometimes.

16:33 Millie: Oh my gosh. That dude was so annoying, the main meme guy. [chuckle]

16:37 Gabi: Oh, yeah, yeah. But I mean, yeah, I think it is the narrative, and Bird Box did that really, really well, A Quiet Place does that really, really well. Even older films, that's what I also really like watching or binging this time of year, is just classic horror films. I'm a huge Hitchcock fan.

16:54 Millie: I watched... I forget what... It's the one where they're like in a camp, and... I can't remember the name. I don't know, but I watched it and I was horrified.

17:04 Gabi: Hitchcock? 

17:04 Millie: It's a whole series. No.

17:05 Gabi: Oh, it's a series? 

17:06 Millie: It's a guy with a white mask. What's his name? 

17:09 Gabi: A white mask? 

17:10 Millie: You've never seen it? The white mask. It's like a camp, it's summer camp. I forget. It's not like Jack the Ripper. Maybe it is? 

17:16 Gabi: I feel like if you tell me, I'm gonna be like "Oh, yeah!"

17:18 Millie: You probably can. I can't remember, I should have looked it up before.

17:20 Gabi: Is it on Netflix? 

17:22 Millie: No, I saw it on just TV one night together, and I can't remember. But it was an older style horror film, and it's like one of those '80s ones that you're like, good, this is...

17:31 Gabi: Yeah, this is very good. [laughter]

17:33 Millie: Great quality. But it's a classic, and there's so many iterations of the movie, and I can't remember the... Maybe I'll remember by the end.

17:41 Gabi: Hopefully.

17:42 Millie: It's a white mask dude.

17:43 Gabi: If you start... If you stop thinking about it, maybe it'll come back to you.

17:44 Millie: Somewhere in the forest. It's like, who will get you if you're walking in the forest? 

17:48 Gabi: All you're making me think of right now is, The Village.

17:50 Millie: Really? I've seen that one...

17:51 Gabi: Is that what... Did you like that? 

17:52 Millie: It's not that one, but oh my gosh.

17:54 Gabi: But that's what you're making me think of.

17:55 Millie: And I watched this too young. It is similar, but no. It's like an '80s movie with a bunch of iterations, and I can't remember.

18:00 Gabi: You'll think of it.

18:02 Millie: I'll try. I'll think of it. But The Village, I hadn't even thought about that.

18:05 Gabi: Yeah, that was a good one. I think that's the first... I never know how to pronounce his name. Shyamalan? I don't know. Movie that I had seen. Maybe that's not true. "Signs," that was probably the first one, but The Village was good. It kind of blew my mind a little bit.

18:17 Millie: And it's also so interesting.

18:18 Gabi: It is very interesting.

18:18 Millie: Again, it's not just horror. Was it terrifying? Yes.

18:21 Gabi: That's another director that's really, really good at narrative. He's very... Him, Stephen King, obviously Stephen King, he's good at narrative 'cause he writes books, not movies, but... So good at narrative. I really... People think that he's kind of a meme, Shyamalan.

18:31 Millie: Really? [chuckle]

18:32 Gabi: And I'm like, "Yeah, he is." They kinda, some of his movies are better than others, but I just think, I don't know, I just really appreciate his writing, if nothing else.

18:40 Millie: But it was so fascinating to me. And the costume for the horror part wasn't the best.

18:45 Gabi: No.

18:46 Millie: It still scared the crap out of me, 'cause I was like, I don't remember how old. But again, just so interesting. See, I like those. I'll watch them, only once, and I'm like, "I did it, good on me."

18:56 Gabi: "I understand, thank you."


18:57 Millie: And I understand and it was interesting. But I hadn't even thought of that.

19:01 Gabi: It's a good one.

19:02 Millie: It's a good one.

19:02 Gabi: I like that one.

19:03 Millie: It's an old one, but it's a good one.

19:04 Gabi: Yeah, it came out early 2000s, I think. And you can tell it did, but... Just because of the style and everything. But I think the first horror film that actually scared the living crap out of me was The Conjuring. That one. Oh my gosh. Well, me and Candace...

19:21 Millie: I have never seen... I would never...

19:21 Gabi: Shout out to Candace. We went and saw it in theaters when we were in... Well, whatever year it came out. We were in high school, I think maybe like 11th grade or something. And we went and saw it. And it really scared... It scared me for two reasons: One, obviously you're sitting in a theater so the screen is huge, and you're staring at it and you can't really...

19:39 Millie: Escape.

19:40 Gabi: Pause it. You know, pause the movie. And then it was the surround sound. Because the sound comes from over here and then it's over here.

19:47 Millie: The sound makes a difference, yeah.

19:48 Gabi: It makes a huge difference. And then 'cause then I rented it 'cause I wanted my parents to watch with me. And so we watched it in our basement and I was like, "This isn't as scary as I thought it was." You know, 'cause it's just one TV and your speakers come out of the TV, but it was still a really scary movie. It was very scary.

20:02 Millie: I would never.

20:03 Gabi: It was one of those that does suspense really, really well. There was still a narrative though, which was nice. And I actually haven't seen many of the other movies out of The Conjuring universe. I saw the second one, and then I watched half of the Annabel movie, like the doll. And it was okay. But I think that's one series that they need to just kinda like...

20:22 Millie: Put away. 'Cause sometimes they come up with the fifth version and you're like...

20:26 Gabi: I think it has three or four movies. And I'm like, "Yeah, it's okay, but... "

20:30 Millie: It's too much. It's too much. Or have you seen... I don't remember any of these 'cause I'm not into it. That one where law ceases to exist for one day or whatever.

20:39 Gabi: Oh, The Purge? 

20:40 Millie: Yeah, that one.

20:41 Gabi: I saw the first one, but now there's three more, maybe.

20:44 Millie: I think so.

20:44 Gabi: I don't know if there's three more. But there is a lot after it. And I don't... I'm not into it.

20:50 Millie: Really? 

20:50 Gabi: It was all right.

20:51 Millie: Surprising.

20:51 Gabi: The Purge was okay.

20:52 Millie: It's an interesting concept, but I'm like, I don't think I'd wanna watch two hours or however long it is of that.

20:57 Gabi: Yeah, yeah. Plus, the other movies they have. It was kind of one of those movies where you watch it and you're like, "Oh, uh-huh, okay," and then you never watch it again because that's it. It said what it needs to say, there's nothing else. But I don't know, I just really... And then Insidious was one that I really liked. That came out in 2011 or '12, maybe. Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know, but that is also a series I think that needs to end. There's four movies now. And I saw like two.

21:22 Millie: Some people are fascinated. I don't know what to tell you.

21:24 Gabi: I know, I know. But, I don't know, those are just kind of like, "Okay, you need to end now, it's... "

21:29 Millie: Right.

21:29 Gabi: But the classic horror. Or even 90's... You can tell it was in the 90s, but I just think it's interesting.

21:36 Millie: Yeah. I'll tell you, I'm still trying to think, but I'll...

21:37 Gabi: You'll think of it. You'll think of it.

21:38 Millie: I can't remember it for the life of me. It's some camp, white masked dude. I feel like should tip you off.

21:42 Gabi: You keep saying "white mask" and then I'm thinking, like...

21:45 Millie: It's not The Village.

21:45 Gabi: Like a Guy Fawkes mask, but that's not... Is it just a white mask? 

21:51 Millie: It's a regular guy's name, but it's this horror movie.

21:54 Gabi: The name of the movies or series is a regular guy's name? 

21:56 Millie: Yeah, and the guy who's like the horror person.

22:00 Gabi: I don't know what you're talking about.

22:01 Millie: Oh my gosh, we watched it was like three or four...

22:02 Gabi: Phantom of the Opera. [chuckle]

22:03 Millie: That, yes. That's what it is. That was horrifying to me.


22:06 Gabi: You keep saying "white mask" and all I'm thinking of is Phantom of the Opera, or a Guy Fawkes mask. And I know it's not any of those.

22:10 Millie: I can. I'll remember it. It's like a typical guy's name.

22:13 Gabi: Steve.

22:13 Millie: It's not Steve, and it's not Jack the Ripper. It doesn't ring a bell.

22:17 Gabi: Joe.

22:17 Millie: When I hear the name, I'll remember. And it's like killing me inside, but it's okay.

22:22 Gabi: Let us know if you think of it.

22:23 Millie: I'll tell you.

22:24 Gabi: Just yell it out. Even if we're on a different subject.


22:28 Millie: I will. That'll happen. But yeah, so other than the non-creepy stuff what are some things that you're just binging and enjoying on this fall season? It's that time to get cozy, when it's rainy or cold outside. You just wanna stay home on the couch, do nothing and eat.

22:42 Gabi: Yes. And shows are coming back 'cause it's fall and they took a break for summer. Bob's Burgers is one that took a break for summer.

22:48 Millie: Linda, that's the only character I know.

22:49 Gabi: She doesn't... We don't watch any of the same TV. Which is fine. Like what? 

22:52 Millie: We do actually. I'll bring it up. It will be horrifying for her, but I'll bring it up.

22:56 Gabi: No, don't bring it up. [chuckle] I know what you're gonna bring up.

23:00 Millie: You wanna say it? You wanna say it? 

23:00 Gabi: Just say it. We'll just skip to that.

23:01 Millie: The Tudors.

23:02 Gabi: The Tudors. Listen, I... She told me... First of all this is what's so hilarious to me, is looking back now, I'm like...

23:09 Millie: Why did we watch this?

23:10 Gabi: You were so... Yes, but you were so convincing. She told me, she was like, "Oh you haven't watched The Tudors?" Like, maybe back in May or so, and I said...

23:17 Millie: The thing is I told you this when I was only two seasons in, and there's two more to go. And at the moment...

23:20 Gabi: No, no, no. You were done with it.

23:21 Millie: No, I'm pretty sure...

23:22 Gabi: Yes, you were done with it. You had finished it, 'cause it was literally three months ago.

23:26 Millie: Was I? 

23:26 Gabi: It was like four months ago.

23:27 Millie: No, I could... I could swear I hadn't finished it.

23:28 Gabi: You were done with it. No, you were done.

23:29 Millie: Or I was soon to finishing.

23:32 Gabi: Maybe.

23:32 Millie: Maybe.

23:32 Gabi: But you were over halfway through though, I can tell you that.

23:35 Millie: No, okay.

23:36 Gabi: You told me... She said, she was like, "You haven't watched The Tudors?" and I was like, "No, I mean... " And she was like, "You have to!" And I remember why this came up, because I said I liked Henry Cavill.

23:44 Millie: And I remember saying, "Henry Cavill is in this series. It's worth it."

23:45 Gabi: And I was like... Okay, disclaimer: I love... No, let me just tell you something, I love Henry Cavill. Okay? 

23:52 Millie: She'll get married to him at some point.

23:53 Gabi: Do I love Henry Cavill in The Tudors? 

23:56 Millie: Yes, you do 'cause it's Henry Cavill.

23:58 Gabi: Listen to me.

24:00 Millie: You know who you love? You love King Henry.

24:01 Gabi: This was probably the cringiest show I have ever watched. I'm just being honest.

24:05 Millie: Okay, but let's, let's...

24:06 Gabi: But that's the thing, I kept watching it. That's why I'm confused. I don't know what happened. I finished it.

24:09 Millie: That's the thing, she also did. She would snap me scenes of like, "This is happening right now." And I was like, "It is." And I didn't remember.

24:17 Gabi: The first season.

24:17 Millie: It was okay, let's be honest.

24:18 Gabi: It was alright.

24:19 Millie: The first two seasons was great.

24:20 Gabi: I don't know what happened after that.

24:21 Millie: The further it progressed, and in real history too, the crappier it got. Let's be honest.

24:25 Gabi: Yeah, it got really bad. It got really, really bad.

24:29 Millie: And then I don't know if the production budget got shot, or everyone was over it.

24:32 Gabi: They definitely spent all of their money on the first few seasons, and then they decided to kind of dwindle.

24:37 Millie: Do something with it.

24:39 Gabi: Yeah.

24:40 Millie: So, I remember the first... It's hard to get through too. It's not one that you can binge, necessarily. But...

24:45 Gabi: It's not easy to get through.

24:46 Millie: And Gabi hated me for it. But she knows, we shared it.

24:48 Gabi: Well, no 'cause I kind of binged. I binged a little bit. I would watch maybe one episode.

24:52 Millie: Then you'd be like, "I'm done, goodnight."

24:53 Gabi: Yeah. Which you had told me before, you said, you had said it's one of those that you have to watch kind of like one at a time.

25:00 Millie: And also I was super dissapointed, because as you know, I love my medieval European history stuff.

25:04 Gabi: It was just, it was bad.

25:05 Millie: And it was really bad.

25:07 Gabi: The last season was just so bad.

25:11 Millie: No, no, no. King Henry's voice on the last episode... What is he doing? 

25:11 Gabi: This is the thing. This is what I think is so hilarious. His, and God bless the actor, I don't know his name.

25:16 Millie: I don't remember.

25:17 Gabi: Don't know. Never heard of him. Kind of irrelevant. But, I will say that I'm not an actor, I don't do it for a living, I don't know. But the character choice that he made in order to portray and relate to the audience that Henry was aging, was to deepen his voice, and put tons... Just like that.

25:34 Millie: He would be like, "We're gonna talk like this... " But the thing is...

25:37 Gabi: He's like, "I'm old now."

25:38 Millie: On the first season, we're like, "I'm old now," and he already kinda sounded like that. But then from, legit, the second to last episode to the last episode, he aged 15 years.

25:47 Gabi: He aged 15 years in between every episode...

25:48 Millie: And he sounded... Oh, but he did.

25:51 Gabi: He went from like 35 to like 50...

25:54 Millie: 60.

25:54 Gabi: In the span of a few months in the show, 'cause... And I know it was a few months because it would say how it... Sometimes it would have timestamps. It would be like, "Spring 1520-whatever", and then the next episode would be like, "Fall 15... ", and it'd be like two years later. Yet this man looks 80 years old. So I don't know, I was just like...

26:12 Millie: It's a hard series.

26:12 Gabi: That was a bad choice for this actor to do, but okay. It was a hard series to watch.

26:16 Millie: Yeah, I mean it was enjoyable at first because I just like the history part of it...

26:20 Gabi: It was, it was interesting.

26:21 Millie: But they don't... And the photo at the end, I don't know. The famous King Henry portrait. And I was like, I was so over it.

26:25 Gabi: I had feeling that's how they were going to end it, when he was so upset about the painting.

26:28 Millie: Do you remember the 10-minute montage that ended it before he actually died? 

26:33 Gabi: Yes, they had to go back to season one.

26:36 Millie: There was a horse going through a forest. They had no idea what to do.

26:38 Gabi: You could tell the writers... The writers were like... They were like, "How do we relay that this was a really good show? Remind the audience of why they watched the show. Let's go back to season one and do all these consecutive scenes of... "

26:46 Millie: Made no sense.

26:46 Gabi: "Henry running around killing people. That'll be great." And it was. 'Cause I kept watching, obviously. [chuckle]

26:52 Millie: No. She Snapped me and I was like, "I don't know what was going on either."

26:54 Gabi: But I finished the episode, though.

26:55 Millie: And you can at least feel accomplished that we got through it.

26:58 Gabi: Yeah.

26:58 Millie: Through all his wives, all the killing, everything.

27:02 Gabi: If I didn't get through it, I probably would feel a little bit like, "Well, I wonder what happened?"

27:05 Millie: That accomplished. And Henry Cavill. Henry Cavill's death.

27:07 Gabi: I had to see Henry Cavill die.

27:08 Millie: How did you feel? How did you feel about that? I have to see that scene again.

27:10 Gabi: I felt... It was probably the funniest... The thing... The way they did that was really bad. God bless Henry Cavill, but once again the choice that was made...

27:19 Millie: It was really bad.

27:20 Gabi: It was really bad.

27:22 Millie: Nothing was good.

27:22 Gabi: It was laughable. It wasn't even laughable like, "Ha ha." It was just really bad. You're watching and you're like... They literally, like the producers went back and watched all this and said, "Yeah, that's good, let's put that out there for everyone to see."

27:34 Millie: It was so bad.

27:34 Gabi: But we love you, Henry Cavill. It wasn't your fault.

27:36 Millie: We do. See? 

27:37 Gabi: He's doing good things. He's Superman. Was Superman. I don't know.

27:40 Millie: He was Superman. I remember that. And he actually was... No. Was he? 

27:43 Gabi: Only reason why I watched Superman. Because...

27:44 Millie: He's the new... The new Superman.

27:49 Gabi: Is he? Because there was this whole thing where Warner Brothers was not gonna give him enough money, so he was like, "I'm not gonna do it." And I was like, "That's not gonna go over well, with me at least". 'Cause I couldn't tell you anything that happened in "Superman". I couldn't tell you a thing. Couldn't tell you the plot. I just watched it 'cause Henry Cavill was in it. I couldn't tell you anything that happened.

28:01 Millie: That's good.

28:02 Gabi: Which is kind of why...

28:03 Millie: 'Cause he's the, he's the new Superman, right? 

28:04 Gabi: Yeah.

28:04 Millie: 'Cause I've seen... Have you seen The Count of Monte Cristo? 

28:07 Gabi: Aren't there several remakes of that? 

28:10 Millie: He's the young... Not the old one. The newest... Well, it'd still be old, the newest one.

28:14 Gabi: No, I haven't seen it.

28:15 Millie: It's really, it's a classic to me, and young Henry Cavill is in it.

28:17 Gabi: Really? 

28:19 Millie: So you should go see it.

28:21 Gabi: That's interesting. You didn't tell me that. I'm kinda wondering why you didn't tell me that before.

28:21 Millie: A little treat. Very young, yeah.

28:22 Gabi: Oh, very young.

28:23 Millie: I didn't tell you that before? 

28:26 Gabi: No, you didn't tell me...

28:26 Millie: I could have sworn you saw it.

28:27 Gabi: No, I've never seen it.

28:27 Millie: So add that to your watch-list.

28:28 Gabi: I really don't know... See, now it's really interesting 'cause I don't really know Henry Cavill's acting career.

28:32 Millie: It's not been... I don't know either, so...

28:32 Gabi: I don't know how extensive it is. Plus he does other stuff, but it might be produced in the UK. So it's UK and BBC stuff, and I don't keep up with all of that, but...

28:41 Millie: True. You keep up with his Instagram, which is important.

28:43 Gabi: I do keep up with his Instagram very much. He posted something the other day.


28:47 Millie: Good to know.

28:48 Gabi: Yeah, just letting you know if you wanna check that out. Go check out Henry Cavill's Instagram. He's gonna get five more followers. He's gonna be like, "Oh, wow." From Change By Degrees. Shout 'em out.

29:00 Millie: You're welcome, Henry Cavill.

29:00 Gabi: You're welcome, Henry.

29:01 Millie: Your audience just grew.

29:01 Gabi: Yeah, by five people. Out of your million followers.


29:04 Millie: Including us, but...

29:05 Gabi: Anyway, Henry Cavill...

29:06 Millie: So The Tudors, that was a moment.

29:08 Gabi: Yeah, it was.

29:08 Millie: I needed to discuss it. Henry... Gabi didn't wanna talk about it.

29:11 Gabi: I didn't wanna talk about it.

29:12 Millie: But we did.

29:12 Gabi: I was like, "Take that out." And then you brought it up, so that's good.

29:15 Millie: Nope. It was a moment that we needed to share.

29:17 Gabi: That's what I did with my summer. I've watched The Tudors. That's really it.


29:21 Millie: That's good. What other things did you watch? 

29:25 Gabi: The Tudors. And The Tudors, and Stranger Things, and It's Always Sunny.

29:27 Millie: What's that about? 

29:27 Gabi: I know... I know It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, is not something that a lot of people watch, depending on, I don't know, your sense of humor. I think it's hilarious. You haven't seen it though, have you? 

29:41 Millie: No. It's just series... Like funny stuff...

29:43 Gabi: It's a series, yeah. It's on Hulu.

29:45 Millie: Is there any people dying? Gore? Horror? No? 

29:47 Gabi: No.

29:47 Millie: Good. Change of pace.

29:48 Gabi: Sometimes people die. Well, there's one episode where someone dies, but it's not like gory or bloody, it's just she dies of like... Anyway, the sense of humor is very... Very niche. I don't know if you would like it or not.

30:02 Millie: Like Bob's Burgers.

30:02 Gabi: It's worse than Bob's Burgers.

30:03 Millie: It's worse? 

30:05 Gabi: I don't even understand how it's still on television, to be honest.

30:07 Millie: I saw... I saw an episode of South Park the other day.

30:09 Gabi: Oh no. See, I actually don't watch that.

30:11 Millie: I don't either, but for some some reason, I was really bored or something, and I saw the one on like Columbus Day a.k.a. Also, well, Indigenous Peoples' Day.

30:18 Gabi: Yes, Indigenous Peoples' Day.

30:18 Millie: Let me not be PC PC. But I dunno who watches that show.

30:24 Gabi: They have no chill.

30:26 Millie: I don't know who watches that show, but shout out to you guys.

30:28 Gabi: A lot of people used to talk about it and now I feel like... I mean, that's the thing. It's still on the air and people still talk about it.

30:37 Millie: It is.

30:38 Gabi: But not as much, I feel like.

30:38 Millie: We saw the first first episode, which I don't know how that thing got that many series, 'cause I'm like, "That didn't get shut down immediately."

30:45 Gabi: That's what I'm saying, yeah.

30:46 Millie: But it was like square. I don't know when it was released, but it's like animation...

30:50 Gabi: It's really bad.

30:50 Millie: Not that the animation is great now, but it was horrendous.

30:52 Gabi: They were probably like, "Let's not spend money on this, in case it doesn't go anywhere. Why are we gonna spend money on making this?" But yeah, that show... I'm very... I am surprised but I'm also not surprised that it's still on the air, 'cause there is that group of people who keep that thing going as long as possible.

31:07 Millie: There's probably a very strong following.

31:07 Gabi: Very cult following.

31:09 Millie: There's content since they're very, you pull their humor from today, just always gonna have content.

31:12 Gabi: Right, they're never gonna run out of content. Yeah, you're never gonna run out, it's not like you have to come up with new ideas. Bob's Burgers kinda does the same thing. They're a little bit more, a little bit more family-friendly. They're not like every other episode bashing whoever or whatever. It's pretty, it can be pretty wholesome. There are some episodes that are, "Bob's Burgers."

31:29 Millie: Wholesome.

31:29 Gabi: A little bit. Sometimes.

31:32 Millie: Wholesome. Good. I doubt that.

31:32 Gabi: They have really cute... There's really cute episodes, but... You would probably like it. I don't know.

31:36 Millie: I probably would.

31:37 Gabi: You'd probably like It's Always Sunny.

31:38 Millie: I just don't have time. I have my classics, which I'll share, but...

31:42 Gabi: Classics.

31:42 Millie: They are classics, to me. They're feel-good. I don't know. This is so old. I feel like I'm 40 years old saying this, but I love Frasier. Have you ever seen it? 

31:51 Gabi: Yeah. Well, 'cause they remade it though, right? The series? 

31:54 Millie: No. It's like 11 seasons long, and I just love it. It's like really witty humor, like geeky humor. But it's a psychiatrist being funny.

32:04 Gabi: Yeah.

32:04 Millie: Think about that. Is that possible? They made it possible.

32:06 Gabi: It's really dry. Dry humor.

32:08 Millie: It's dry but at the same time it's also so funny. I wanna get a laptop sticker of a Frasier moment that's like my favorite. I'm really looking forward to that. But it's so good.

32:16 Gabi: The humor kind of reminds me of Doctor Who a little bit. Do you watch Doctor Who? 

32:19 Millie: Uh-huh.

32:19 Gabi: Oh, okay.

32:20 Millie: But...

32:20 Gabi: I don't either, but I've seen a few episodes and it kinda reminds me of... People are really obsessed with their Doctor Who.

32:26 Millie: Really? 

32:26 Gabi: Yes.

32:27 Millie: I mean, Frasier also has a really strong following.

32:28 Gabi: Does it? 

32:29 Millie: And the thing is, you watch... It's 11 or 12 seasons long, I can't remember the actual number, but you get invested into the characters, it's a comedy and they're super short episodes, but over seeing them for however many hours, you're like, "Oh I'm invested in them," and I was so sad I actually cried at the last episode.

32:47 Gabi: Did you? 

32:48 Millie: I did.

32:48 Gabi: Wait, are they still going with seasons, or no it's done? 

32:50 Millie: No, it's done. It was done, this is really old, is what I'm saying.

32:52 Gabi: I could have sworn they were like... Not remaking it, but they had another series that was like a spin-off maybe.

32:56 Millie: They might have done a spin-off of... Well it's a spin-off off Cheers.

33:00 Gabi: Right.

33:00 Millie: Which is... Like it was a Boston Bar where Fraser went to that, and so they did a spin-off. So Fraser is a spin-off of Cheers.

33:07 Gabi: Okay.

33:07 Millie: If they are remaking it, I need to see it and I would be very disappointed because it's not, it's not Fraser.

33:09 Gabi: No I'm probably wrong, don't get excited, I'm not.

33:13 Millie: But that's my classic, and if anyone has watched it, you understand, it's so good. All the characters. You would give up after... I don't think you'd make it through first season.

33:26 Gabi: Really? 

33:26 Millie: No, maybe you would. I don't know if it's the type of humor you'd like, but it's so good.

33:32 Gabi: I like dry humor.

33:33 Millie: It's dry, but it's just sometimes you also have to also understand some things to get the joke, you've to know about it sometimes.

33:39 Gabi: Well that's why you watch it from the beginning.

33:40 Millie: Like there's a joke. [chuckle] Oh, I'm not gonna...

33:43 Gabi: You say it.

33:43 Millie: [33:44] ____. There's one, this psychiatrist is so... He's coming back as a radio talk show, I don't know why I find it so funny, 'cause it's not funny.


33:51 Gabi: There's nothing really, really funny.

33:52 Millie: It's not even funny, but he's like had a really long day and then some people are stopping him on the way back from home with all these problems they have and he's trying to help 'em, so he goes into his apartment in Seattle which is a mood already, and he closes the door and he lives with his father, which is already also mood 'cause he's a bachelor, who's like 40 years old, and he's like, "Is there a prozac shortage in this city? And it's like, 'cause everyone... It's not funny.

34:14 Gabi: You really find this funny. [chuckle]

34:15 Millie: I thought it's so funny 'cause I'm like... The thing is I didn't get it when I first saw it, but now I'm like, okay.

34:21 Gabi: You think it's so hilarious.

34:23 Millie: It's hilarious now to me, and there's other funnier ones but it's just so good.

34:25 Gabi: It's like nerdy humor.

34:26 Millie: It's nerdy humor.

34:28 Millie: So if you're not a nerd...

34:29 Gabi: Kinda like Big Bang Theory, although I don't really find that show funny but...

34:32 Millie: I haven't... I didn't see that either.

34:32 Gabi: It's not funny, don't watch it.

34:33 Millie: Okay.

34:33 Gabi: Sorry for everyone who likes Big Bang Theory, I don't think it's that funny.

34:35 Millie: Maybe we lost all the followers, so... That's okay, though. So I really like that. I love Gilmore Girls.

34:41 Gabi: Of course, that's a classic.

34:42 Millie: I mean, it's a classic like some people, some episodes I'm like, "We're really doing this right now." It's a feel good.

34:47 Gabi: It's a feel good show.

34:48 Millie: Very fall-y.

34:49 Gabi: It is.

34:50 Millie: If you just want to hang out with your group of girls and just chill. It's feel good and just classic. And I saw... Have you seen the... Was it a movie or they released a few new episodes? 

35:00 Gabi: Oh they had the... Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It was not a spin-off, but like the next...

35:05 Millie: What team do you go for? 

35:06 Gabi: I didn't even watch it.

35:07 Millie: Really? 

35:07 Gabi: I didn't watch the new... Whatever.

35:10 Millie: Okay, I can't then share my team, I'm not.

35:12 Gabi: No, do it.

35:12 Millie: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No.

35:14 Gabi: I'm not gonna watch it.

35:15 Millie: You're not. Maybe you should watch the most recent episodes and then tell me.

35:17 Gabi: Okay.

35:17 Millie: Yeah, deal. Deal, deal.

35:19 Gabi: I'll tell you, because I don't... I didn't want, I just wasn't interested in watching it. I don't remember why I don't think I really had a reason, it just was. It was kind of like when they did Full House, whatever it was called, but they did it again, they did on Netflix, what was it called? Yeah, it was a Full House but they did it 20 years later, and DJ's grown-up or whatever, and I was just like, "I'm not interested in this. I don't wanna watch this."

35:38 Millie: I wouldn't be either. See, I don't think I would be interested in a Fraser remake, unless it's with the same characters, but it's not the same.

35:44 Gabi: Yeah.

35:45 Millie: Which is okay, it's what it is, and I love it. I re-watch all the Fraser Christmas episodes around Christmas time, because it's just... It's a moment, so that. And I think my last one, oh, wait two more, sorry.

35:56 Gabi: I know.

35:56 Millie: Outlander.

35:57 Gabi: Oh yeah, yeah.

35:57 Millie: And I told her she has to watch it.

35:58 Gabi: I still have...

36:00 Millie: I feel like you would like it.

36:00 Gabi: I feel skeptical because you recommended so strongly The Tudors and then I watched it, and I hated everything.

36:03 Millie: But the thing is, I told you to get ready. The reason I... I feel dragged.


36:07 Gabi: Yes, you should feel dragged.

36:08 Millie: The reason I shared that with you is because it had Henry Cavill.

36:12 Gabi: Yeah, but you also were like, "No but like the series is good," and I was like, "Okay."

36:16 Millie: You caught me on like the first two seasons.

36:17 Gabi: You were like... That's... That can't be...

36:19 Millie: It's not a lie.

36:20 Gabi: That can't be possible. You were done with the... We were not watching it at same time.

36:24 Millie: No, but I was watching the last few episodes, and then I was like...

36:27 Gabi: So you were on season five.

36:29 Millie: There's four? 

36:29 Gabi: There's definitely four, was there four? It felt like five. [chuckle] It felt so long.

36:33 Millie: Should speak, it should speak a lot to it, but Outlander, and I'm so excited oh my gosh, I'm so excited.

36:39 Gabi: I haven't watched it.

36:39 Millie: Because there's two new seasons coming up, and I think we've watched four, so five and six are coming out and it's so good. It's not English or King and Queen, it's Scottish history with England and I guess King of the time of England, but it's so good and it's a little bit of Sci-Fi, and I know Gabi doesn't like Sci-Fi.

37:00 Gabi: No, I don't mind Sci-Fi, if it's done tastefully.

37:01 Millie: It's super tasteful. Integral part and I mean the story-writing is so good, you get so invested in the characters. They tackle big, sometimes dense topics. But wow I just, I love this series. It's probably one of my favorite.

37:14 Gabi: I hear people talk and they say, it's really good, I just...

37:17 Millie: So good.

37:18 Gabi: See, this is the thing, I have to... If I'm gonna start a new show, it has to be a show that I'm either 0% behind the show.

37:25 Millie: I feel like you would like this.

37:26 Gabi: Or 100% behind the show. There's no show where I just watch 'cause I'm like, "I'm gonna watch this," it's like I am obsessed with this or I don't care at all.

37:33 Millie: Right.

37:34 Gabi: The only show that really messed me over was, Tudors, that I couldn't figure out what I felt.

37:38 Millie: Why you kept watching it? Because you finished.

37:39 Gabi: I couldn't figure out why I kept watching it. But it's like I don't know what happens. It's not like they wrote it. It's history.

37:45 Millie: No, it wasn't a surprise, but it's history, and Outlander is so good.

37:48 Gabi: I'm gonna have to watch it, I know.

37:50 Millie: That will be the last one. If you don't like it, I'll take the hit, but I feel like you'd like it.

37:53 Gabi: I just don't trust you anymore because after what happened with The Tudors, it's just...

37:56 Millie: It's different. It's different.

37:57 Gabi: Okay.

37:58 Millie: And she knows The 100.

38:00 Gabi: Oh yeah, a lot of people...

38:00 Millie: That's super sci-fi, but the reason I like it is 'cause it's not just on a spaceship. I hate those sci-fi. But you go down and there's things called Grounders, if you know, you know, and that's all I'm saying, 'cause you don't know but...

38:10 Gabi: No, no. I... People really... They talked about The 100 a lot, so you're not the only one. People are really obsessed with that.

38:19 Millie: Intense. It's really good.

38:20 Gabi: But how come you like that but you don't like Harry Potter? 

38:23 Millie: It's not that I don't like Harry Potter, I've just never watched it.

38:25 Gabi: But you don't want to though.

38:25 Millie: And it's like an investment, you'd have to... It's not that I don't want to, don't drag me.

38:28 Gabi: It is not investment. It's just...

38:29 Millie: It's a lot of time.

38:32 Gabi: It's your life, it's...

38:32 Millie: What is it, Leviosa? 

38:34 Gabi: No that's not it. It's Wingardium Leviosa. I'm not gonna do it.

38:35 Millie: Wingardium Leviosa.

38:38 Gabi: 'Cause you don't really care.

38:38 Millie: It's okay.

38:39 Gabi: So good. That series really messed me up, not even the movies, the books. It was the books.

38:42 Millie: So those are ones that you re-watch. Maybe I'll get to watching it. And you know what, I'll watch it while having a pumpkin spice latte, 'cause I haven't had either.

38:49 Gabi: 'Cause it's fall, and you... Okay, new experiences, yeah so Harry Potter and pumpkin spice latte. I love that.

38:53 Millie: Exactly. But those are my series, go watch them.

38:57 Gabi: I like 'em.

38:57 Millie: You better watch Outlander.

38:58 Gabi: I will, but you have to watch...

39:00 Millie: Which one do you... Did you have any others that are just binging, like it's fun? 

39:01 Gabi: Well, Superstore, they're in the middle of a new season, and they upload the new episodes to Hulu like the day after it airs on TV, which is really nice. So I've been looking, watching that. I don't know. Those are the... Well, the ones that are in the middle of seasons right now is Bob's Burgers, Superstore, and It's Always Sunny, and they're in the middle of seasons right now and they upload the episodes the next day or whatever.

39:23 Millie: That's cool.

39:24 Gabi: Except I don't think Always Sunny does that, which is disappointing, but Bob's Burgers and Superstore does. But yeah, and then Mindhunter, just whatever I find. Oh, Bojack Horseman, which also...

39:35 Millie: I can see the animation.

39:38 Gabi: Is a really niche thing. Will Arnett, I think his name is, he is the voice of the main character Bojack Horseman. And I just really... Once again, me and Candace, we have a weird sense of humor, I suppose. We don't always watch the same thing, but when we find something that we both watch together, like Bojack Horseman, it's something really weird, like Bojack and, I don't know. She always likes...

40:00 Millie: What is that? 

40:00 Gabi: It's a show. It's on Netflix. They released season six, I think, and I think this might be the last season or second to last season or something like that. It's hard to explain. It's animated, and he's a horse... Half-horse, half-man, and he lives in a universe where it's... Me explaining it sounds really stupid, but they're all animals, but there are also people, so it's animals living with people in harmony, I suppose.

40:24 Gabi: That's not even an issue of contention on the show. And he's just a washed up star, like actor. He's a washed up actor and he was on this kids show called "Horsing Around." And so now he's rich and he's an alcoholic and he's on drugs and all this stuff, and so he's trying to figure his life out. So it's really interesting 'cause then he finds out he has a daughter or something, all this other stuff. It's just really... It's really good.

40:50 Millie: I can tell.

40:51 Gabi: It's funny.

40:51 Millie: I can tell.

40:52 Gabi: It's funny, but it also explores deep themes and stuff like that. Season six just came out. I haven't watched it. I told Candace I was gonna watch the episode last night and I didn't do it. I know, I completely forget.

41:02 Millie: She gonna get you. She gonna get you.

41:03 Gabi: I know. I'm surprised she hasn't texted me like, "So what did you think?"

41:06 Millie: While she's writing her thesis.


41:08 Gabi: Yeah. So we gotta watch that. We watched some of it when she was home, but I gotta watch it so I can talk to her about it. 'Cause that's the only other person I know who watches the show, unless you start. Did I convince you to watch it? Did I convince you?

41:19 Millie: Animals and whatever nonsense? I kinda zoned out for a second 'cause I was like, "What is going on?"


41:24 Gabi: It's good, I promise. Anyway...

41:26 Millie: Maybe I'll watch it. Maybe when I'm done with the semester I'll watch it.

41:28 Gabi: Okay, fair enough.

41:29 Millie: Okay.

41:29 Gabi: Fair enough, fair enough.

41:30 Millie: I feel like I'm gonna watch "Bob's Burgers."

41:33 Gabi: It's so good, you'd like it. It's funny. It's really funny.

41:35 Millie: I kind of would like it honestly. It's just these animated ones, I'm like...

41:39 Gabi: No, it's good though. It's really good.

41:41 Millie: I'll watch it.

41:41 Gabi: You would like it.

41:43 Millie: But maybe our viewers have other suggestions maybe? 

41:46 Gabi: Yes. I'm always looking for other suggestions.

41:48 Millie: Yeah. I'll tell you, once I'm done with the semester, I wanna just sit for a week in my room and watch all the shows and catch up.

41:52 Gabi: I have enough TV suggestions for you to do that.

41:55 Millie: Are you gonna... I'll watch all of them if you watch Outlander.

41:58 Gabi: Okay, if I watch Outlander, you have to watch Bob's Burgers at least.

42:01 Millie: Okay. Solid. Yep, yep, yep.

42:03 Gabi: It's a deal.

42:05 Millie: I'm so excited. Yes.

42:07 Gabi: I'm gonna start Outlander, watch.

42:09 Millie: You better. I think it's on Netflix.

42:10 Gabi: Well 'cause half of it's on Netflix and the other half is on Starz.

42:14 Millie: Oh, 'cause it's Starz. So...

42:15 Gabi: Which, once again, I'm already really suspicious of, because...

42:18 Millie: Yeah, 'cause you have to pay for it.

42:19 Gabi: Starz. What? 

42:21 Millie: It's just a cable company, but okay...

42:24 Gabi: I know but it so sounds...

42:25 Millie: Catch HBO, and CW, and all the... Okay, no, no, no. I see. It's okay.

42:32 Gabi: I know. It's fine. It's good.

42:32 Millie: But if our viewers have any horror suggestions for Gabi...

42:35 Gabi: Yes.

42:36 Millie: And any non-horror suggestions for me.

42:38 Gabi: I mean I'll take non-horror suggestions as well.

42:40 Millie: Okay. That's my territory, but it's okay.

42:42 Gabi: Oh. But you won't watch Bob's Burgers? 

42:45 Millie: No.

42:45 Gabi: Interesting.

42:45 Millie: But enjoy your spooky Halloween. Be safe out there, it can be crazy. I don't think I've ever spent a Halloween on a college campus.

42:53 Gabi: It's not bad. People literally leave campus... In my experience they just leave campus to go do something else and then they come back.

43:00 Millie: Regardless, be safe. You can be out late partying it up, but... That's what I have to say about that.

43:06 Gabi: Be careful.

43:06 Millie: Be careful. That's all I'm gonna say about that. And keep... Later today we're gonna post the best costume we've ever seen, so keep your eyes peeled for that, because the world needs to be prepared for this.

43:17 Gabi: It's gonna... Don't get your hopes up. Seriously. Don't... It's not. Considering she didn't even know...

43:23 Millie: Someone just scared me, so...

43:24 Gabi: She didn't even know how to do her shirt or anything, so we had to discuss how she's gonna take a piece of tape and put it on her shirt to make her costume.

43:32 Millie: Dudes, I don't... I'm not crafty. Do you think I'm crafty? 

43:34 Gabi: It's not even being crafty, it's literally taking a piece of tape and putting...

43:36 Millie: It's not crafty. No. I couldn't even visualize it.

43:40 Gabi: I had to draw a picture. [chuckle]

43:41 Millie: Tomorrow morning, in a half hour, we're gonna make this work out and we're gonna have the best costumes ever.

43:47 Gabi: Mine's gonna be done tonight. I'll help you. I'll help you with yours tomorrow.

43:48 Millie: I'm in school. I'm in school.

43:49 Gabi: Okay. So you can't take some tape and...

43:52 Millie: Nope, can't take the tape. Can't do it. But it's okay.

43:54 Gabi: That's fine. Alright. Well...

43:57 Millie: That'll be it. Just keep your eyes peeled for that costume.

44:00 Gabi: It'll be good.

44:00 Millie: And follow us on all the social media platforms, and ask your friends to follow us if they wanna see the best costume ever. That's all I'm going to say about that. But we'll see you next week with a non-Halloween episode and back to business. [chuckle]

44:13 Gabi: As usual.

44:13 Millie: See you guys then.

44:14 Gabi: Bye.

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