039: Let's Catch Up
You guys! Welcome back to Change By Degrees! We are officially kicking off season 4 (can you believe it?) and we are so excited if you can’t already tell. We hope you enjoyed our Summer Series, and now we are getting back to the roots of our podcast—just us, Millie and Gabi, talking and hanging out with you guys. On this first episode, we catch up with each other and discuss what has been going on. COVID is still in full swing, but that doesn’t stop us from having fun or enjoying our summer. We talk about: -What we’ve been up to since May -TV shows and movies we have been watching together this summer -Henry Cavill’s instagram (yes, really. Follow him @henrycavill you won’t regret it) -And a little bit of what we have coming down the line this season (episodes and giveaways) Thanks for joining us for another episode, and we cannot wait for you to tune in every week with us again. Make sure to follow us on instagram @_changebydegrees and Facebook: Change By Degrees. And sign up for our emails on our website changebydegreespodcast.com